FAQs - Travelling with pets and other animals in the EU

NO - It isn't. The EU pet passport is only for dogs, cats and ferrets. If you've other pets, national legislation will apply.

YES - The movement of endangered animal species - including the chimaera birdwing - is strictly controlled. If you want to travel with this species, you need a certificate.

To find out if you need a permit for what you want to bring back, check the EU wildlife trade database Open as an external link or contact the CITES authority Open as an external link in your country.

Your dog may be returned to its country of origin, or quarantined (at your expense) for the length of time necessary to meet the health requirements up to a maximum of 21 days or, as a last resort, your dog may be put down.

YES - The air carrier must transport a recognised assistance dog in the cabin of the aircraft.

YES - Certain endangered species and parts of them are protected by the Convention of Washington (CITES). There are strict rules on importing them into the EU.

See main information on this topic

EU legislation

Last checked: 04/07/2024
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