FAQs - Admission and entry to university

YES - the relevant authorities can require applicants to take a language test. But these rules should be applied proportionately, and it should be possible to make exceptions to take account of individual circumstances, e.g. if you have already lived or worked in a country using the relevant language.

POSSIBLY - national governments have sole responsibility for recognising academic qualifications. The European Commission can take action only if:

  • a refusal to recognise a qualification constitutes discrimination on grounds of nationality
  • disproportionately long or costly procedures can be interpreted as restricting your freedom of movement.

The ENIC-NARIC Open as an external link (a Europe-wide network for recognition of academic qualifications) centre in the host country may be able to help by contacting its opposite number in your country.

In principle, you can go to university in another EU country. But bear in mind that each country is free to stipulate the level of secondary education future students need for university admission. This will be explained in the pre-application information provided by the university you hope to apply to.

That depends on the country, the university and the course itself. As a general rule, you should have:

  • the originals of all your relevant academic qualifications
  • a CV (e.g. the Europass CV, which provides a template enabling you to present your educational background in a way that can be understood anywhere in Europe).
This isn't covered by EU rules. It's legitimate for a university to require its students to attend lectures and tutorials regularly. So it may well take the view that students cannot be enrolled on 2 equally demanding university courses at the same time.

See main information on this topic

Last checked: 12/04/2024
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