FAQs - Payments, transfers and cheques

NO - Banks should charge you no more for a cross-border withdrawal in euros than they would for a national transaction of the same value in euros.

NO - EU law does not set charges to be applied for currency conversions - this is always a commercial decision taken by the payment service providers.

YES - Your bank has to charge you the same rate for payments in euro across the EU as it does for equivalent national transactions. This rule also applies to banks based in the EU but outside the euro area.

YES - the EU rules apply to all kinds of card payments (payment by debit, deferred debit and credit card). You should pay the same transaction charges as if you were using your card at home. Furthermore the bank cannot charge you any additional fees (e.g. annual fees or one-off charges) if you use the card in another EU country.

See main information on this topic

EU legislation

Last checked: 13/05/2022
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