FAQs - Study abroad and scholarship opportunities

The most important points to consider are :
  • Tuition fees - either you won't have to pay any, or they will be very low
  • Length of studies - the maximum amount of time you can study at the host institution before you have to return to your home institution
  • Application - dealt with by a coordinator in your home institution, who issues the forms you need and submits them, and another at the host institution
  • Quota - the number of places agreed between the home and the host institution. Some institutions may have more applications than available study places, so you might want to list more than one institution in your application.
  • Recognition of studies- before leaving, sign a ‘learning agreement' so your home institution will recognise the courses you complete and the grades awarded. This will save you extra work and exams at your home university.
At the end of your stay, the host university should issue you with a document called the ‘ transcript of records' confirming the programme completed and your results.

See main information on this topic

Last checked: 21/06/2024
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