Road rules and safety - Greece

Which rule are you interested in?

The use of seat belts and child restraint systems is MANDATORY (Directive 91/671/EEC as amended).

Exemptions for:

  • taxi drivers
  • drivers of postal delivery vehicles
  • drivers of catering vehicles
  • pregnant women

No information

Vehicles below 3.5 t

Standard speed limits (unless otherwise stated by traffic signs) [km/h]

Urban roads
Non-urban roads

Passenger cars & vans
Vehicles below 3.5 t

Standard speed limits (unless otherwise stated by traffic signs) [km/h]

Urban roads
Non-urban roads

Passenger cars & vans with trailers
Vehicles below 3.5 t

Standard speed limits (unless otherwise stated by traffic signs) [km/h]

Urban roads
Non-urban roads

Heavy goods vehicles
over 3.5 t

Standard speed limits (unless otherwise stated by traffic signs) [km/h]

Urban roads
Non-urban roads


Standard speed limits (unless otherwise stated by traffic signs) [km/h]

Urban roads
Non-urban roads
0,5 mg/ml

Standard drivers (0,2 mg/ml for motorbike and moped drivers)

0,2 mg/ml

Novice drivers

0,2 mg/ml

Professional drivers

Forbidden drugs

Opiates and opioids substances: morphine, codeine, thebaine, papaverine narkotini, heroin, etc

Hallucinogenic-hallucinogens substances: cannabis products

Stimulants of the central nervous system: cocaine, benzoylecgonine, ecgonine methyl ester, amphetamines and their derivatives (MCMA, MDA, etc)

Sedatives of the central nervous system: hypnotic and anxiolytic drugs such as benzodiazepines, etc

Lanes are reserved for various types of vehicle.

Emergency lanes on motorways may be used only in emergencies.

Motorcycles with/without a sidecar
Light and heavy tricycles
Light and heavy quadricycles
Drivers may not use their mobile phone without a hand-free set
Drivers may use their mobile phone with a hand-free set
Safety equipment for carsWarning triangle
First-aid kit
Fire extinguisher


This content on road safety and traffic rules is provided by the national authorities according to Article 8(1) of Directive (EU) 2015/413/EU. The European Commission does not assume liability for this content or its accuracy. For the most accurate and up-to-date information check national websites, where you can also find information on other national rules covering time-based charges (vignettes), emission stickers and road tolls.

See main information on this topic

Road rules and safety

Last checked: 05/09/2024
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