
FAQs - Starting school in another EU country

My children don't speak the language of the country we've just moved to very well yet. Does this mean we have to put them in an expensive international school? Open Close

As EU citizens, your children are entitled to attend school in any EU country under the same conditions as nationals of that country. They have the right to be placed in a class with their own age group, at the equivalent level to their class in your country of origin, regardless of their language level.
If you are an EU national moving to another EU country for work, your children are entitled under EU law to receive free language tuition in your new home country to help them adapt to the school system there.

Do I need to produce evidence of my children's educational records when moving to another country? Open Close

This varies by country - but generally it's a good idea to keep a file on each child's educational history. This will help them when applying for secondary education and enrolling in school. The file may include the following:
  • copies of all transcripts or report cards (make sure you also have the originals with the school seal, as the new school may well want to see them).
  • reference letters from teachers and/or headteachers
  • a list of current text books and course outlines, to help you and the new teacher determine what level your child is at.
  • results of tests, especially in the child's native language, maths and sciences.
  • your child's immunisation and recent medical records.

See main information on this topic

EU legislation

Last checked: 18/06/2024
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