
FAQs - Contract information

Can I invoke EU rules if I have bought an item from a private individual, not a professional trader? Open Close

NO. In this case, all you can rely on is the information you had when you made the purchase, the rules set out in the contract, and the laws of the EU country where the trader is based.

The new camera I bought a few months ago has stopped working. I was charged a large amount of money for calling the trader's hotline. Is this acceptable? Open Close

NO. Traders operating consumer hotlines of this kind ar not allowed to charge more than the basic rate for telephone calls.

I bought some software online. After downloading it, I discovered it was incompatible with my hardware. This was stated on the seller's website. I've asked the seller for a refund. Am I within my rights? Open Close

NO. You should have checked the seller's website before downloading your software. Information on digital content must be clear about compatibility with hardware and software and any technical protection measures, such as limiting the consumer's right to make copies.
You can withdraw from purchasing digital content - such as music or video downloads - but only until downloading starts.

Where can I obtain help if I don't get a satisfactory response from a trader based in another EU country? Open Close

You can contact your local European Consumer Centre Open as an external link , or the one in the country where you made your purchase. The FIN-NET network tries to encourage out-of-court settlements for financial disputes involving more than one EU country.

See main information on this topic

EU legislation

Last checked: 20/11/2023
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