
FAQs - Airport and airline security

I'm not sure which cosmetics are classed as liquids. Can I take cosmetics into the cabin at all? Open Close

YES - As long as the item is not larger than 100 ml. Anything bigger will have to go in your hold luggage. Note that creams and gels are classed as liquids.

I am planning to travel from Canada to Amsterdam with my five month old son. Can I bring baby food with me from Canada or will it be seized at the point of entry? Open Close

You are allowed to bring a limited quantity of baby food provided it does not require refrigeration before opening, that it is packaged proprietary branded food sold direct to the consumer and that the packaging is unbroken unless in current use.

I have to take liquid medication every four hours. Can I bring this medication on board my flight from Athens to Stockholm? Do I have to put it in a transparent bag? Open Close

The answer to both questions is yes. Essential medicines are allowed in quantities larger than 100 ml, but only for use during the trip and you may have to prove its authenticity.

I am planning to travel from Lisbon to Brussels with my six month old baby. He will require a bottle during the flight and will need more than 100mls of milk. Can I bring this on board the flight? Open Close

Yes, baby food and milk are allowed in quantities larger than 100 ml but only for use during the trip and you may have to prove its authenticity. The bottle should be placed in a separate transparent re-sealable bag and presented separately at the passenger security screening area.

See main information on this topic

EU legislation

Last checked: 13/06/2024
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