
EU parking card for people with disabilities - Slovakia

Applicable conditions

On roads and in car parks, parking places reserved for disabled people are marked with a wheelchair symbol. The use of restricted parking areas is allowed for vehicles marked with the no. O1 symbol. Do not park if the space is marked with a vehicle registration number.

Parking on roads

The driver of a vehicle transporting a seriously handicapped person having to rely on individual transportation, marked with the no. O1 symbol is not obliged to adhere to parking prohibitions, provided the driver does not obstruct through traffic.

A vehicle with the no. O1 marking symbol can ignore the follow signs:

"Except for Deliveries",

"Deliveries Only"

"Except for Transport Services"

"Transport Services".

Parking in car parks

Some car parks allow vehicles displaying the parking card to park free of charge or for a reduced fee.

Check car park notices or ask an attendant.

See main information on this topic

Last checked: 19/04/2022
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