
FAQs - Travel documents for EU nationals

I'm Portuguese and I am going to Cyprus this summer for holidays. Can I use my driving licence as an ID document at the border? Open Close

NO - A driving licence isn't a travel document. You'll need a valid national identity card or passport.

In what circumstances can I, as an EU national, be refused entry into another EU country? Open Close

What can I do if my right to enter another EU country is refused at the point of entry? Open Close

If your right to enter another EU country is refused, you should contact the embassy or consulate of your own country in the country you want to enter.

I am planning to drive from Romania to Hungary. Will I have to show my passport or ID card at the border? Open Close

YES - You will have to show your passport or ID card when crossing the border. Romania is a member of the Schengen area, but border checks remain in place for any land-based travel between Romania and other Schengen area countries.

See main information on this topic

EU legislation

Last checked: 15/04/2024
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