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Niċċelebraw l-Ewropa! - Il-50 Anniversarju tat-Trattat ta' Rumaqbiż tal-bar għall-għażla tal-lingwa (key għall-iqsar rotta=2) 01/02/2008
EUROPA > Il-50 anniversarju > Kalendarju > April

April 2007

Madwar l-EwropaFil-pajjiżi ta' l-UEMadwar id-dinjaKalendarjuTipi ta' avvenimenti
żgħażagħżgħażagħ 10/05/07 > 31/12/07Fl-iskejjel madwar l-Ewropa kollha - Il-pajjiżi kollha ta' l-UE
Ittraduċi u rbaħ!

Ittraduċi u rbaħ!

Tradutturi Żgħażagħ – konkors oriġinali sabiex niskopru l-aqwa tradutturi żgħażagħ ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea ››  iktar

WirjaWirja 01/04/07 > 01/10/07Estonia
Erich Lessing´s photos

Erich Lessing´s photos

75 photos of the world famous Austrian photographer Erich Lessing will be displayed in Estonian towns in April-September 2007. Exhibition of photos reflecting the important events and personalities in Europe’s history is part of Treaty of Rome’s 50th anniversary celebrations in Estonia. ››  iktar eesti keel (et) English (en)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 01/04/07Guinea Bissau
Guinea Bissau - School quiz to celebrate the EU’s 50th birthday

Guinea Bissau - School quiz to celebrate the EU’s 50th birthday

A quiz is to be organised in schools across Guinea-Bissau for schoolchildren aged 8-11, giving them a chance - with the help of their teachers - to demonstrate their knowledge of the EU ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

SportSport 01/04/07Guinea-Bissau
Guinea-Bissau - Tennis tournament

Guinea-Bissau - Tennis tournament

A mini‑tennis tournament is to be held, featuring the best players in Guinea-Bissau. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 01/04/07 > 11/04/07Various European cities
Mission Europossible

Mission Europossible

Want to discover Europe? Travelling to Berlin, Prague, Brussels, Paris and other European cities, students of the Danish folk high schools will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss issues such as European values and democracy.  ››  iktar dansk (da) English (en)

oħrajnoħrajn 01/04/07Sofia - Bulgaria
“Green corners”

“Green corners”

On the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of signing the Rome Treaty, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ivailo Kalfin, representatives of the “Troïka” EU Presidencies, and the European Commission will plant trees in the MFA’s garden. ››  iktar български (bg) English (en)

oħrajnoħrajn 01/04/07 > 31/05/07Estonia
“Greenwave” forest-planting action

“Greenwave” forest-planting action

Helping the environment by planting new trees! From April to May, volunteers throughout Estonia will celebrate Europe by participating in planting events, with the action culminating on 4 May. ››  iktar eesti keel (et) English (en)

KonferenzaKonferenza 02/04/07Riga - Latvia
High-level conference in Riga

High-level conference in Riga

The European Commission Representation in Latvia and the German Presidency organises a conference in Riga on 50 years of EU cooperation and future of the EU. High level personalities and policy makers will take part in the event. The objective of the conference is to bring public attention to bear on the objectives of the European Union and to analyse the achievements of the Union. The main theme will be why this date is of significance to Latvia, despite the fact that the country joined the EU merely three years ago. ››  iktar English (en) latviešu valoda (lv)

MużikaMużika 03/04/07Valletta - Malta
Id-9 Sinfonija ta’ Beethoven

Id-9 Sinfonija ta’ Beethoven

Il-Ministeru ta’ l-Affarijiet Barranin u l-Ambaxxata Ġermaniża jippreżentaw fis-Sala ta’ Dar il-Mediterran għall-Konferenzi, id-9 Sinfonija ta’ Beethoven mill-Orkestra Nazzjonali ta’ Malta u l-Collegium Musicum bil-parteċipazzjoni ta’ solisti Maltin u Ġermaniżi. ››  iktar

ŻfinŻfin 04/04/07Valletta - Malta
Tnedija tal-European Dance Company

Tnedija tal-European Dance Company

It-Tnedija Uffiċjali tal-European Dance Company fl-4 ta’ April 2007 f’St James Cavalier, Valletta, Malta, kienet maħsuba biex tikkoinċidi maċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-50 Anniversarju tat-Trattat ta’ Ruma. Wara d-diskorsi mill-parteċipanti jkun hemm sessjoni ta’ mistoqsijiet u tweġibiet għall-mistednin u l-midja. ››  iktar

ĊinemaĊinema 04/04/07 > 08/04/07Mauritius
European Film Festival in Mauritius

European Film Festival in Mauritius

As part of the EU's 50th birthday celebrations, the EU office in Mauritius is organising the island's first ever European Film Festival. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

MużikaMużika 06/04/07Kazakstan
The European Union Youth Orchestra comes to Kazakhstan

The European Union Youth Orchestra comes to Kazakhstan

The European Union Youth Orchestra, EUYO, will be coming to Kazakhstan as part of its spring tour to celebrate the EU's 50th birthday. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

oħrajnoħrajn 12/04/07 > 03/05/07Sitges - Spain
VII Course on the European Union

VII Course on the European Union

As part of celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of signing the Treaty of Rome, the European Integration Department in Sitges is organising its annual EU course on the main challenges facing the EU. ››  iktar English (en) español (es)

Avveniment kulturaliAvveniment kulturali 12/04/07 > 03/05/07Sitges - Spain
VII European Week

VII European Week

In the context of the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and the celebration of Europe Day (9 May), Sitges goes once again for bringing Europe and its citizens closer together and in organising the seventh  European Week with the main aim of citizens taking an active interest in the proceedings and participating fully in contributing to the process of European construction. ››  iktar English (en) español (es)

KonferenzaKonferenza 12/04/07 > 13/04/07Ljubljana - Slovenia
NGO’s in the enlarged EU and opportunities to encourage active European citizenship

NGO’s in the enlarged EU and opportunities to encourage active European citizenship

During the first day, participants will discuss the assessment of including citizens and NGOs in drawing up policies at European level, and will present the role of NGOs in this process. The second day’s main issues include: Slovenian citizens and NGO participation in dialogue with the EU institutions and examples of good practice in Slovenia. ››  iktar English (en) slovenščina (sl)

KonferenzaKonferenza 12/04/07Stockholm - Sweden
The EU and Energy

The EU and Energy

Do we consume an excessive amount of energy due to economic growth and in what way should the EU select its energy supplies? How shall the EU secure its provision of energy and assure at the same time a high level of environmental protection? How should the EU act towards India, China and the US regarding the climate change problem? ››  iktar English (en) svenska (sv)

oħrajnoħrajn 13/04/07Eskilstuna - Sweden
What has been the use of the EU for the past 50 years and what about the future?

What has been the use of the EU for the past 50 years and what about the future?

This issue will be debated during a breakfast meeting with representatives from the industry and officials from Eskilstuna, Friday 13 April. ››  iktar English (en) svenska (sv)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 13/04/07Svishtov and Varna - Bulgaria
Conferences at University

Conferences at University

Three academic conferencesdevoted to the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome in three Bulgarian university cities in April, May and June 2007. In parallel with the conferences, cultural events will also be organised. ››  iktar български (bg) English (en)

KonferenzaKonferenza 13/04/07Palermo - Italy
Sicily and European identity

Sicily and European identity

Conference on Sicily and European identity 50 years after the Treaties of Rome. ››  iktar English (en) italiano (it)

WirjaWirja 15/04/07Dominican Republic
Europe’s capitals - open-air photo exhibition

Europe’s capitals - open-air photo exhibition

From mid-April to the end of May 2007, people in the Dominican Republic will be able to visit all 27 EU capital cities in an afternoon. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

WirjaWirja 17/04/07 > 27/05/07Sofia - Bulgaria


Exhibition of masterpieces of artists from EU Member States. A competition for Bulgarian artists will also be organised as part of the event. ››  iktar български (bg) English (en)

ĊinemaĊinema 19/04/07 > 09/05/07Bratislava, Banská Bystrica, Nitra, Prešov, Trenčín - Slovakia


A selection of five European films is being screened in the Slovak cities of Bratislava, Banská Bystrica, Nitra, Prešov and Trenčín. ››  iktar English (en) slovenčina (sk)

KonferenzaKonferenza 19/04/07Warsaw - Poland
The European Idea in Poland in the XX Century

The European Idea in Poland in the XX Century

The conference on the history of the European idea will provide an opportunity for presenting Polish intellectuals and politicians of the XX century and their contribution to the European integration philosophy. ››  iktar English (en) polski (pl)

KonferenzaKonferenza 19/04/07Stockholm - Sweden
Swedish taxes - How do they involve the EU?

Swedish taxes - How do they involve the EU?

What impact has Sweden’s EU membership had on Swedish taxes? Is there more to the issue than merely capital gains taxes? Should we introduce harmonised company taxes? How can the EU member states handle phenomena such as diesel shopping and the threat posed by climate change without majority vote for environmental taxes? Would it not be more transparent if the EU contribution were an EU tax? ››  iktar English (en) svenska (sv)

Avveniment kulturaliAvveniment kulturali 20/04/07Catania - Italy
From Rome to Nice: the course of human rights in EU history

From Rome to Nice: the course of human rights in EU history

This will be a mixture of institutional events: a debate carried out by professors, journalists and institutional representatives along with other activities including photo exhibitions, food and music events. It focuses on the links between human rights and migration flows and their impact on the European Union. ››  iktar English (en) italiano (it)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 26/04/07Dublin - Ireland
Mock European Council

Mock European Council

The Mock European Council is an event for Transition Year students. 27 groups of students will "represent" the heads of state or government of each of the 27 EU Member States and will debate topical issues relevant to European citizens. ››  iktar English (en)

oħrajnoħrajn 26/04/07Sitges - Spain
European Week in Sitges

European Week in Sitges

Presentation of the Europe-related events taking place over a week in different cities in Catalonia. ››  iktar English (en) español (es)

KonferenzaKonferenza 27/04/07Stockholm - Sweden
How is the EU approaching the fight against crime?

How is the EU approaching the fight against crime?

Does the EU have enough cooperation in the area of justice or is more cooperation needed to fight crime in Europe? Do we need an EU prosecutor to prosecute private citizens in the Member States? Which resources can be used in the fight against cross-border crime and how should privacy be protected? ››  iktar English (en) svenska (sv)

Avveniment kulturaliAvveniment kulturali 28/04/07Belfast - United Kingdom
European play day in the park

European play day in the park

Lady Dixon Park in Belfast will play host to community groups from across the city who will come together to celebrate Belfast in Europe through art, exhibitions and workshops. ››  iktar English (en)

FestivalFestival 28/04/07 > 30/04/07Il-Port il-Kbir - Malta
Il-Festival Annwali tal-Logħob tan-Nar ta’ Malta

Il-Festival Annwali tal-Logħob tan-Nar ta’ Malta

L-edizzjoni ta’ din is-sena tal-Festival Internazzjonali tal-Logħob tan-Nar ser issir fil-Port il-Kbir bejn it-28 u t-30 ta’ April.  Dan l-avveniment din is-sena ser isir bħala parti miċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet tal-50 Anniversarju ta’ l-UE filwaqt li jitfakkar Jum l-Ewropa. ››  iktar

SportSport 29/04/07Barcelona - Spain
Sport and Europe: The Barcelona Football Club joins the celebration!

Sport and Europe: The Barcelona Football Club joins the celebration!

Barcelona F.C. will join the 50th Anniversary celebrations with the presentation of a large European flag on the Camp Nou pitch. The flag, 25 metres long and 19 metres wide, will introduce a league football match between Barça and Levante. ››  iktar English (en) español (es)

KonferenzaKonferenza 30/04/07Israel
Celebrating by learning

Celebrating by learning

A recent poll found that 75% of Israelis would like to join the European Union. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

oħrajnoħrajn 01/03/07 > 31/05/07Luleå, Härnösand, Gävle, Malmö and Skara - Sweden
EU on the Schedule/EU for librarians

EU on the Schedule/EU for librarians

“EU on the schedule” and “EU for librarians” are regional seminars targeted towards teachers, head masters, school guidance counsellors and librarians. ››  iktar English (en) svenska (sv)

Avveniment kulturaliAvveniment kulturali 01/03/07 > 30/04/07Riga and regions - Latvia
Five interactive documentary films to explain Europe

Five interactive documentary films to explain Europe

Need to know more on the opportunities offered by the EU, on its history and institutions? Five interactive documentaries will help Latvian citizens to find an answer to these questions. The films will be broadcasted on TV. ››  iktar English (en) latviešu valoda (lv)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 01/03/07 > 30/04/07Vilnius - Lithuania
"European lessons" on the establishment of the European Union

"European lessons" on the establishment of the European Union

The Lithuanian Parliament will help pupils and students become familiar with the history of the EU. ››  iktar English (en) lietuvių kalba (lt)

KonferenzaKonferenza 01/03/07 > 30/11/07Kaunas, Siauliai, Klaipeda, Panevezys, Marijampole, Alytus, Taurage, Telsiai - Lithuania
Public debates throughout Lithuania

Public debates throughout Lithuania

Following the national public debate held on 30 November 2006 in Vilnius, a series of debates will be organised in other Lithuanian towns. ››  iktar English (en) lietuvių kalba (lt)

oħrajnoħrajn 01/03/07 > 30/04/07Vilnius - Lithuania
"Open Europe"

"Open Europe"

Embassies of EU countries will open their doors to citizens in March and April 2007. ››  iktar English (en) lietuvių kalba (lt)

KonferenzaKonferenza 01/03/07 > 03/05/07Tripoli / Herakleion, Crete - Greece
Celebrating the 50 years of the EU - European Social Model and Employment: towards a cohesion society

Celebrating the 50 years of the EU - European Social Model and Employment: towards a cohesion society

Ministers and local authorities along with civil society organisations, will discuss the achievements reached by the European Union in the social area, as well as the challenges that lay ahead. ››  iktar ελληνικά (el) English (en)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 01/03/07Venezuela - school project
Venezuela - Let’s Paint TOGETHER!  - Painting contest for Venezuelan school children

Venezuela - Let’s Paint TOGETHER! - Painting contest for Venezuelan school children

In March and April 2007, representatives of the EU delegation in Venezuela will visit French, German, Portuguese and Italian schools in Caracas to explain the role and importance of the EU today. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

KonferenzaKonferenza 01/03/07 > 31/05/0726 Italian towns - Italy
50 Years of Europe together

50 Years of Europe together

The network of Italian European Documentation Centres (EDCs) organises a series of conferences to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Rome Treaty. The events will take place in 26 towns all over Italy. ››  iktar English (en) italiano (it)

oħrajnoħrajn 01/03/07 > 30/04/07Estonia
Radio shows to celebrate the Treaty of Rome

Radio shows to celebrate the Treaty of Rome

Three special radio shows will celebrate the anniversary of the Rome Treaty. ››  iktar eesti keel (et) English (en)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 01/03/07 > 30/04/07Brno - Czech Republic
How the Union was born - 50 years together!

How the Union was born - 50 years together!

‘50 years together!’ is taking the European Union into the classroom. Pupils will have the opportunity to learn, in an amusing way, about the origin of the EU and the story of the people who first had the idea of creating the EU by laying down the foundations for modern Europe. ››  iktar čeština (cs) English (en)

KonferenzaKonferenza 01/03/07 > 30/04/07Valletta - Malta
Il-Wirt Ewropew fl-Isports

Il-Wirt Ewropew fl-Isports

Seminar dwar “Il-Wirt Ewropew fl-Isports”, organizzat mill-Kumitat Olimpiku Malti u l-Għaqda Kittieba Sport. ››  iktar

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 01/03/07 > 09/05/07All Czech regions
Literary and Fine Arts Contest

Literary and Fine Arts Contest

Literary and Art Contest on EU topics and on the 50th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome ››  iktar čeština (cs) English (en)

FestivalFestival 01/03/07 > 31/12/07Center Evropa, Ljubljana - Slovenia
Faces of Europe

Faces of Europe

How much do you know about the other European Union countries? What would it be like living and working abroad? ››  iktar English (en) slovenščina (sl)

oħrajnoħrajn 01/03/07 > 29/02/08Czech Republic
EP Generation: the way towards Europe

EP Generation: the way towards Europe

A large project including seminars, an international conference, activities at the  European Parliament Summer School (EPSS) and a series of web publications. ››  iktar čeština (cs) English (en)

oħrajnoħrajn 01/03/07 > 31/05/07Slovakia
13 Alleys for New Europe

13 Alleys for New Europe

13 alleys of trees symbolically representing New Europe are being planted all over Slovakia. The initiative, supported by the Slovak Government, Lesy SR, š.p. and Europe Direct Relays, is designed to celebrate the enlarged EU and its 12 ‘new’ countries. ››  iktar English (en) slovenčina (sk)

Avveniment kulturaliAvveniment kulturali 05/03/07 > 13/04/07Jihlava - Czech Republic
The Other Brussels

The Other Brussels

Together with a discussion on EU topics, a photographic exhibition of Brussels - interiors, exteriors, reflections - will show the hidden and less celebrated faces of Brussels. ››  iktar čeština (cs) English (en)

WirjaWirja 07/03/07 > 31/12/07Hungary
Celebrating the 50th birthday of the EU

Celebrating the 50th birthday of the EU

Art-school students have taken part in a “50th anniversary” poster competition. The prize-winning posters, which can be sent as e-cards any time this year, will be presented both at exhibitions and in a one-off publication. ››  iktar English (en) magyar (hu)

WirjaWirja 08/03/07 > 10/05/07Brussels - Belgium
Visionary Women

Visionary Women

For three years, artist Bettina Flitner travelled throughout Europe, photographing European women of exceptional merit. To celebrate Europe’s 50th anniversary, the visitors will have the chance to discover the portraits of those European women who have made contributions in the fields of culture, science, economics and politics. The women photographed come from 22 different EU countries and are active in widely diverging fields ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

Vidjows u ritratti
WirjaWirja 09/03/07 > 01/07/07Brussels - Belgium


“Singular visions, sometimes ironical, enigmatic or dark, at other times flirting with fiction”, is how the Royal Museum describes the EURO VISIONS exhibition. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

Vidjows u ritratti
WirjaWirja 12/03/07 > 27/05/07Various Czech Regions
Czech Europeanism

Czech Europeanism

Itinerant exhibition “Czech Europeanism” together with a discussion devoted to the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. ››  iktar čeština (cs) English (en)

oħrajnoħrajn 15/03/07 > 31/05/07Across Italy - Italy
Living Italian, Becoming European

Living Italian, Becoming European

The Department for EU Policies (the Prime Minister’s Office) has launched a nationwide multimedia campaign to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome: “Living Italian, Becoming European”, focusing on the real advantages of the process of EU integration. ››  iktar English (en) italiano (it)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 15/03/07 > 31/07/07Rome - Italy
The Senate Bookshop in European Guise

The Senate Bookshop in European Guise

To mark the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, the Senate Official Information Office will organise a number of events in cooperation with the Senate Library reconstructing the debate in Italy on the origin, evolution and the enlargement of the European Union. ››  iktar English (en) italiano (it)

WirjaWirja 16/03/07 > 20/05/07Palais des Beaux-Arts, Bruxelles - Belgium
A Vision for Brussels

A Vision for Brussels

A Vision for Brussels presents a possible future for the capital of Europe and looks at its qualities, obvious, hidden, and forgotten. What image does Brussels wish to project? Can it become... ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

Vidjows u ritratti
żgħażagħżgħażagħ 19/03/07 > 31/12/07Across Slovenia - Slovenia
Let us discuss the European Union

Let us discuss the European Union

Students belonging to secondary school and university debate clubs will participate in a series of discussions taking place throughout Slovenia. ››  iktar English (en) slovenščina (sl)

WirjaWirja 20/03/07 > 20/04/07Vilnius - Lithuania
Exhibition "Hi! Europe Calls!"

Exhibition "Hi! Europe Calls!"

Why do we still need the EU in the 21st century? The exhibition organised by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Lithuania aims to answer this question. ››  iktar English (en) lietuvių kalba (lt)

WirjaWirja 22/03/07 > 26/12/07Warsaw - Poland
The Treaties of Rome as a Link in the Integration of Europe

The Treaties of Rome as a Link in the Integration of Europe

An exhibition of 39 posters which won prizes and awards in the national competition commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Treaties of Rome. ››  iktar English (en) polski (pl)

Avveniment kulturaliAvveniment kulturali 22/03/07 > 18/04/07Roma, Torino, Lecce - Italy


Europèdia is an interactive multimedia initiative elaborated in order to experience the idea of Europe  through the languages of the new media. ››  iktar English (en) italiano (it)

WirjaWirja 23/03/07 > 05/04/07Togo
Events in Togo marking 50 years of the EU

Events in Togo marking 50 years of the EU

In Togo on 23-25 March 2007, celebrations were held to mark the 50th anniversary of the EU's founding treaty. Under the theme "Fraternity beyond the EU's borders", they featured a debate, photo exhibition, gala reception and sports events. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

WirjaWirja 23/03/07 > 13/05/07Rome - Italy
Masterpieces of European art

Masterpieces of European art

The exhibition will take place at the Quirinal Palace, in the prestigious Salone dei Corazzieri. It will consist of 27 masterpieces, each one coming from an EU Member State, witnessing the history of cultural progress that – since the classical age and thanks to the fundamental contribution of each country – has contributed to the development of European civilisation. ››  iktar English (en) italiano (it)

ĊinemaĊinema 25/03/07 > 31/07/075 cities in Lower Saxony Germany
European movies in schools

European movies in schools

European movies will be brought to schools to incite discussion on Europe. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en)

MużikaMużika 25/03/07 > 31/07/07Cities all over Germany - Germany
European bands play

European bands play

European bands will participate in events on the 50 cities tour. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en)

WirjaWirja 25/03/07 > 20/12/07European Parliament, Brussels - Belgium
50 years of the European Parliament

50 years of the European Parliament

The windows of the European Parliament will provide the backdrop for an exhibition relating the story of its first 50 years. Visitors will be able to admire photos, videos and images recalling the years from the creation of the common Assembly through to today’s latest events. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

WirjaWirja 25/03/07 > 01/05/07Ceske Budejovice - Czech Republic
In Brussels like at home

In Brussels like at home

About 50 colour photos show the most interesting monuments in Brussels but also the daily life and the work at European institutions. ››  iktar čeština (cs) English (en)

oħrajnoħrajn 25/03/07 > 25/05/07Assorted locations - Hungary
Let’s talk about Europe “TOGETHER”

Let’s talk about Europe “TOGETHER”

A series of special events, organised by EU-related NGOs through a call for proposals launched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will focus on the exchange of views on the main issues affecting the local community and on a discussion of the future of their own region. ››  iktar English (en) magyar (hu)

WirjaWirja 25/03/07 > 31/12/07Assorted public libraries - Hungary
Mobile documentary exhibition on the EU

Mobile documentary exhibition on the EU

A mobile exhibitionis being organised and presented by the Network of EU Libraries in order to draw visitors’ attention to -- and provide a range of information about -- Europe. ››  iktar English (en) magyar (hu)

WirjaWirja 25/03/07 > 20/04/07Paris - France
Exhibition Euro Culture

Exhibition Euro Culture

An exhibition labelled « 50th Anniversary » on the Euro will be shown at the Representation. ››  iktar English (en) français (fr)

oħrajnoħrajn 25/03/07 > 31/03/08Bremerhaven - Germany
PLANKTON*NET celebrates 50 years of the Treaty of Rome

PLANKTON*NET celebrates 50 years of the Treaty of Rome

For this event, PLANKTON*NET members and contributors have established a special online collection of information on 50 plankton species. Each species was described in one of the past 50 years. Where possible, species described by European scientists were chosen to highlight the range of scientific and specifically taxonomic expertise in Europe. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) português (pt)

oħrajnoħrajn 25/03/07 > 31/07/0750 cities all over Germany - Germany
Europe is 50-50 cities join in

Europe is 50-50 cities join in

Europe celebrates its 50th Anniversary – 50 cities join the party ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en)

Vidjows u ritratti
ĊinemaĊinema 25/03/07 > 31/07/07Cities all over Germany - Germany
Europe's values

Europe's values

Short film on European values to be shown at events and in cinemas. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 26/03/07 > 27/04/07Slovakia
Knowledge competition for secondary schools

Knowledge competition for secondary schools

With the aim of improving young people’s knowledge of EU-related issues, the Slovak Government, in collaboration with the Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia and Europe Direct Relays, is organising a challenging competition. ››  iktar English (en) slovenčina (sk)

WirjaWirja 26/03/07 > 15/04/07Pardubice - Czech Republic
A look back at Europe over 50 years

A look back at Europe over 50 years

The project, behind a series of exhibitions, is to use art as a way of expressing European unity and of developing the notion of a common European culture. ››  iktar čeština (cs) English (en)

oħrajnoħrajn 26/03/07 > 31/05/07Lisbon - Portugal
National Competition on European affairs

National Competition on European affairs

Essay on the European integration process. ››  iktar English (en) português (pt)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 26/03/07 > 16/05/07Slovenia
Spring day in Europe

Spring day in Europe

133 Slovenian primary and secondary school students will create artistic works on different topics related to the 50th anniversary of the EU. The art works will come under different categories and will involve the use of various artistic techniques. ››  iktar English (en) slovenščina (sl)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 26/03/07 > 30/06/07Fl-iskejjel madwar l - Il-pajjiżi membri u kandidati ta' l-UE
Jum ir-Rebbiegħa għall-Ewropa

Jum ir-Rebbiegħa għall-Ewropa

Jum ir-Rebbiegħa għall-Ewropa huwa inizjattiva mmirata biex tħeġġeġ id-dibattitu, id-diskussjoni u r-riflessjoni fost l-istudenti tal-primarja u tas-sekondarja, dwar il-prinċipji, il-kisbiet u l-futur ta' l-UE. It-tema għal din is-sena se tkun "Flimkien mill-1957: l-iskejjel jiċċelebraw l-Ewropa".. ››  iktar

KonferenzaKonferenza 27/03/07 > 21/06/07Munich - Germany
Vision and Reality - the Future of Europe

Vision and Reality - the Future of Europe

Where is the EU going? What are our aspirations? Four prominent guest speakers will give their answers to these questions. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en)

KonferenzaKonferenza 27/03/07 > 15/10/07Calabria - Italy
EU law in the training of judges

EU law in the training of judges

The main goal of this event is to raise awareness among the public and the legal profession on the issues of the European integration process and enhance knowledge of EU legal instruments. ››  iktar English (en) italiano (it)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 30/03/07 > 31/12/07Ljubljana - Slovenia
Launch of series of youth debates on the European Union

Launch of series of youth debates on the European Union

A big ceremony will mark the launch of organised debates through students’ debate clubs. ››  iktar English (en) slovenščina (sl)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 30/03/07 > 01/04/07Munich - Germany
Youth Parliament to discuss EU enlargement

Youth Parliament to discuss EU enlargement

Young people, make your voices heard! The Bavarian Parliament is to be transformed into a mini European Parliament for 80 youngsters aged between 16 and 21. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 01/02/07 > 30/04/07Throughout Lithuania - Lithuania
Youth debates

Youth debates

Young people will have the opportunity to join in a series of debates on EU-related issues. The events will involve students and pupils throughout Lithuania. ››  iktar English (en) lietuvių kalba (lt)

Avveniment kulturaliAvveniment kulturali 02/02/07 > 26/08/07Maastricht - Netherlands
Maastricht celebrates Europe

Maastricht celebrates Europe

In 2007, Maastricht will celebrate Europe with a series of events devoted to the 50th anniversary of the Rome Treaties and the 15th anniversary of the Maastricht Treaty. ››  iktar English (en) Nederlands (nl)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 19/02/07 > 09/05/07Throughout Estonia - Estonia
Student competition "My Europe"

Student competition "My Europe"

The Estonian History Teachers’ Association in co-operation with the State Chancellery of the European Union Information Unit is organising a student competition. Students are invited to present short research papers explaining how the principles laid down in the Rome Treaty affect their lives today. ››  iktar eesti keel (et) English (en)

Avveniment kulturaliAvveniment kulturali 27/02/07Bratislava - Slovakia
European Union - Open Space

European Union - Open Space

Artists from the 27 countries of the EU will meet during a one-week symposium marking the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. During the event, painters will be creating artworks inspired by the celebration. ››  iktar English (en) slovenčina (sk)

WirjaWirja 27/02/07 > 30/07/07Brussels - Belgium
Europe in the Headlines?

Europe in the Headlines?

How much attention was given by the Belgian press to the signing of the Treaty of Rome 50 years ago? The Belgian Royal Library is for the first time putting its exceptional collection of Belgian newspapers dating from the end of March 1957 on display. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

Vidjows u ritratti
ĊinemaĊinema 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Tallinn - Estonia
European Films at the European Information Centre

European Films at the European Information Centre

Throughout 2007, European films will be displayed in the European Information Centre of the Commission Representation and European Parliament Information Office in Tallinn. These film evenings will emphasise the cultural dimension of European Union. ››  iktar eesti keel (et) English (en)

oħrajnoħrajn 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Romania
A Europe of opportunities

A Europe of opportunities

Members of the European Information Multipliers Network will participate in a study-visit to the EU Institutions aimed at raising awareness among Romanian multipliers of the activities of EU Institutions. ››  iktar English (en) română (ro)

oħrajnoħrajn 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Romania
"Closer to Europe"

"Closer to Europe"

With the aim of initiating contacts with their fellow organisations in Germany and effectively exchanging good practices for activities related to the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, some Romanian multipliers will take part in a ‘fact-finding mission’ to Germany. ››  iktar English (en) română (ro)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Latvia
Students' creative work competition on the internet “Zenta Mauriņa un mūsdienas”

Students' creative work competition on the internet “Zenta Mauriņa un mūsdienas”

The State Youth Initiative Centre and the Education Board of World Free Latvian Society will launch a competition aiming to raise  students ‘awareness and interest’ in Latvian and European values. ››  iktar English (en) latviešu valoda (lv)

oħrajnoħrajn 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Throughout Finland
A series of public debates throughout Finland

A series of public debates throughout Finland

Europe Information of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, together with the European Commission Representation in Finland, is organising a series of public debates to mark the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome.  ››  iktar English (en) suomi (fi) svenska (sv)

KonferenzaKonferenza 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Upper secondary schools throughout Finland
Teacher's seminars

Teacher's seminars

Targeted seminars designed for teachers, head masters, school guidance counsellors and librarians are being organised throughout 2007. ››  iktar English (en) suomi (fi) svenska (sv)

KonferenzaKonferenza 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Throughout Finland
"Let's talk about Europe - Together"

"Let's talk about Europe - Together"

The local Europe Direct relays are organising a series of regional public debates on the EU. The events are aimed at the general public and are taking place in every Finnish province. ››  iktar English (en) suomi (fi) svenska (sv)

WirjaWirja 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Several Cities - Finland
"Guten Tag! Hier spricht Europa" poster exhibition

"Guten Tag! Hier spricht Europa" poster exhibition

Why is the European Union still necessary in the 21st century? An itinerant exhibition marking the 50th anniversary of the Rome Treaty will try to answer this question. ››  iktar English (en) suomi (fi) svenska (sv)

KonferenzaKonferenza 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Madrid - Spain
“European Gatherings” on 50 years of European integration

“European Gatherings” on 50 years of European integration

Several conferences regularly organized at the premises of this Representation titled “European Gatherings” would be dedicated to commemorate the anniversary. ››  iktar English (en) español (es)

WirjaWirja 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Riga and regions - Latvia
EU@50: a travelling exhibition

EU@50: a travelling exhibition

The Latvian EU Information Agency will organize an itinerant exhibition dedicated to the last 50 years of the European Union. The exhibition will be travelling to Riga and its regions. ››  iktar English (en) latviešu valoda (lv)

SportSport 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Slovenia
Europe in the air

Europe in the air

A parachute squad will be performing sky-diving figures on all major public events around Slovenia, using parachutes with EU symbols. ››  iktar English (en) slovenščina (sl)

Vidjows u ritratti
żgħażagħżgħażagħ 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Throughout Finland
Art competition for schools and publication of a book of art and essays

Art competition for schools and publication of a book of art and essays

Art competition for state school pupils on the theme "Together since 1957". ››  iktar English (en) suomi (fi) svenska (sv)

oħrajnoħrajn 02/01/07 > 21/12/07Across the country - Poland
Public lectures

Public lectures

Public lectures and discussions about Rome Treaties, their role in the European integration and the future of the European Union. ››  iktar English (en) polski (pl)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 02/01/07 > 10/09/07Across Poland
My School in the European Union

My School in the European Union

Information and educational activities will be carried out in participating schools. Students will write essays commenting a quotation of P.H. Spaak in the context of 50th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome. ››  iktar English (en) polski (pl)

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