

Sabato 9 maggio è stato il giorno dell’inaugurazione del padiglione dell’Unione europea a Expo Milano 2015 e la scelta della data non è stata di certo casuale.

What are the research issues to be considered when transfer of knowledge into use? According to Tim Benton (Faculty of Biology, University of Leeds) from our EU Scientific Steering Committee at Expo 2015 Milano, to tackle this issue we should "do research in a trans-disciplinary way, and try to get the knowledge out, communicating to the public".


Phil Hogan, EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, invites you to visit the European Union pavilion at Expo Milano 2015.

Tibor Navracsics, EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Citizenship and responsible for the Joint Research Centre, the European Commission in-house service,  invites you to visit the European Union pavilion at Expo Milano 2015.


How can we improve food safety and quality?