

This video explains the science behind energy balance and how it affects you. It provides practical tips – small steps that you can incorporate in your lifestyle to reach a healthy balance!

Expo Milan is approaching the end and all the 112 pavilion staff are looking forward to take a well-deserved rest, though I am sure they will all miss it after a while. In the first week of October we hit 500 000 visitors and we are cruising at 5000 visitors per day. Being a "narrative" pavilion, its aim is to positively impress the visitors which remain on average in the pavilion between 20 and 30 minutes.

Enterprise Greece, attraverso il Padiglione Greco in EXPO 2015, in un atto di sensibilizzazione e solidarietà, ha deciso di capitalizzare la partecipazione della Grecia nell’Esposizione Mondiale Expo 2015 a Milano e nella fiera alimentare leader del mondo, "Anuga" in Cologne, e organizzare un'iniziativa umanitaria al fine di fornire un aiuto concreto ai profughi, che arrivano nel nostro paese.