

This weekend we hit a new visitor record as no less than 9,620 visitors flocked to our pavilion over Saturday and Sunday. Visitor attendance is picking up again in a big way and we expect massively renewed interest in our Pavilion when the Italian schools come back to visit Expo as of next week.


On Saturday 5  and Sunday 6 of September the EU Pavilion had the pleasure to host Christos Stylianides, European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management. The Commissioner spent almost two days in Expo Milan 2015.

We were delighted to host Vice President Maroš Šefčovič​'s visit at Expo 2015 Milano​. The Vice President had an eventful day being part of the Forum Ambrosetti “Lo scenario di oggi e di domani per le strategie competitive” and addressing high-level stakeholders at the Center for Energy and Environment Economics and Policy of Bocconi University.

La Commissione europea e Oxfam, Civil Society Participant dell’Esposizione Universale, in occasione di Expo Milano 2015, presentano al pubblico l'evento You Save Lives.