

On Tuesday, 14 July we hosted the event "Crop Genetic Improvement Technologies" at the European Union pavilion in Expo Milano 2015.

On 13-14 July we hosted at our pavilion in Expo Milano 2015 the event "Agroecology and ecological intensification for a sustainable food future".

The workshop focused on aspects of such complex system that are linked to interactions with the environment. Specifically, it dealt with how agroecology and ecological intensification can support EU agriculture to meet medium- and long-term goals concerning sustainable food production.

Sabato 11 luglio al padiglione dell'Unione europea a Expo Milano 2015 si è svolto l'evento “E’ nel nostro interesse”, il pay off scelto da ItaliaCamp per il lancio  della 4° Assemblea nella suggestiva cornice  dell’Esposizione Universale di Milano.

On 10 July we hosted the event "FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL MARKETS INSTABILITY: POLICIES AND REGULATION PERSPECTIVES" at the European Union pavilion in Expo Milano 2015. The conference discussed how food and agricultural markets can become more stable, and what policies and regulatory frameworks should be implemented to make world food systems more efficient, sustainable and predictable.

On 10 July tEuropean Commission – the Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMES organised a focused event on "EU-Japan" at the Eurpean Union Pavilion in Expo Milano 2015. The event saw the participation of European and Japanese companies, clusters and Institutions.