

Dal nuovo volto della comunicazione europea, che parla alla mente ma anche al cuore del cittadino, al ruolo dell’Unione quale esempio di cooperazione tra culture differenti, e custode di preziose competenze scientifiche utili al mondo intero: le riflessioni di David Wilkinson, Commissario Generale UE per Expo

"FoodDrinkEurope launches Research Priorities and Principles", published on FoodDrinkEurope in July 2015

The European Commission launched an online consultation on the role of research in global food and nutrition security. The aim of the consultation is to gather the views of stakeholders, citizens and the scientific community on the role that research has to play in tackling the challenges associated with ensuring food and nutrition security.

On the occasion of the "European Food and Drink Week" at Expo Milano, on 30 June 2015 we were honoured to welcome EU Commissioner Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Elżbieta Bieńkowska at our pavilion.