

On the way to Expo Milano 2015, where the European Union Pavilion has the bread as a symbol of the European civilization, we visited some historical and well-known bakeries of Milan to ask people what bread means for them.

On 22 June, our Commissioner General David Wilkinson welcomed Janez Potočnik, Co-Chair of United Nations International Resource Panel and Former EU Commissioner for Environment, and his delegation at the EU pavilion.

Sono giovani, preparatissimi, conoscono più lingue e vengono da tutto il mondo. Sono accomunati da un'energia positiva contagiosa e da un sogno: lavorare per una grande organizzazione internazionale.

On 18 June, it was a real pleasure to welcome the delegations AGRI, INTA and ITRE of the European Parliament today.

On 16 June, it was our pleasure to welcome Sandro Gozi, Italian Undersecretary of European Policies, and his delegation at the European Union pavilion and to host the event "Sport e alimentazione: la ricetta europea."