MEPs at Expo Milan: EU must work harder to enhance global food security

On 18 June, it was a real pleasure to welcome the delegations AGRI, INTA and ITRE of the European Parliament today. For the occasion, the deputees have visited our pavilion and admired the story of Alex and Sylvia, the protagonists of "The Golden Ear." Their visit concluded with a press conference on the themes of Expo Milano with a focus on the global challenges of nutrition and sustainability.

The delegation visited Expo Milan to promote efforts to enhance global food security, tackle food waste and encourage healthy lifestyles. "The EU must step up its efforts to ensure the quality and safety of food in the EU and boost fair trade for the poorest countries", said MEPs from the agriculture, industry and international trade committees.



"Food is a human right but it can be effective only if everyone has enough food to eat. This is not happening now in Europe or the world. In the EU we have both food waste and malnutrition that affects almost 20 million families," said Clara Eugenia Aguilera Garcia (S&D, ES), vice-chair of the agriculture and rural development committee. "Now there is more than ever a reason for the common agricultural policy. Europe cannot give up its own food production, it cannot rely on food from abroad. We also have to shorten the food supply chain," she added, noting that "farmers and fishermen are the weakest link in the chain" and their position vis-a-vis retailers must be strengthened.



Use trade agreements to help the poorest countries develop

"Now international trade in food products is characterised by distortion and speculation. To do away with that, we must first strengthen the rules-based WTO system and finalise the Doha round," said Bernd Lange (S&D, DE), chair of the international trade committee.

"We need asymmetric trade agreements with developing countries to improve their food safety and help them develop their own food production. Increasing the quality of their produce to meet our standards also boosts their trade possibilities. Trade agreements must include labour and environmental standards to improve the living conditions of the people producing food," he said.



Research and innovation will help to increase food security

"The EU is facing major food challenges" and "the role of research and innovation is essential in finding solutions," said Patrizia Toia (S&D, IT), vice-chair of the industry, research and energy committee, noting that EU research funds are already contributing substantially to promoting innovation in food quality, production processes, logistics and sustainability. "Thanks to the European Parliament, the European Institute for Technology (EIT) will focus next year also on food-related challenges. We should use the momentum Expo has created to deliver and we strongly urge the Commission to maintain or even increase EU funding to this end," she concluded.



