

On 14 May we had the pleasure to welcome to our pavilion former Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel and former Finnish Prime Minister Esko Aho.

The issue of food and nutrition security and thus the theme of Expo Milano 2015 is one that affects us all. As the world population grows, so does the demand for food, and there is a clear need to tackle shortcomings in global food production. It is estimated that global food production will have to increase by 60 per cent if we are to feed an increased global population of nine billion people in 2050.

It was a pleasure to host the "Grand debate on Nutrition Security – a whole system approach" A joint JPI FACCEJPI HDHL EVENT on the impact of climate change on providing a sustainable food supply that has the nutritional requirements to ensure a healthy population.

Last 15 May we were happy to host the conference "Proposal for a food and health research infrastructure in Europe" at our pavilion. Policy makers, involved in funding decisions or food and health research, have been invited to share their views on the infrastructure needed to advance food and health research in Europe.

For centuries, we Europeans have been inseparable from the sea and its fish.

Fish are an important part of our diets, keeping us healthy.

Fishing provides us with jobs.

Fish help us prosper.