What are the research issues to be considered when transfer of knowledge into use? - Interview with Tim Benton, EU Scientific Steering Committee at Expo 2015

What are the research issues to be considered when transfer of knowledge into use? According to Tim Benton (Faculty of Biology, University of Leeds) from our EU Scientific Steering Committee at Expo 2015 Milano, to tackle this issue we should "do research in a trans-disciplinary way, and try to get the knowledge out, communicating to the public".



"The challenges that food security poses for us are huge over the next decades. Simultaneously, we have to tackle the challenges to improve economic health, but also public and environmental health. This requires that we do research in a new way. And this provides a whole range of challenges for us in terms of how do we do the research, how do we fund the research, and do we prioritise the research to deliver the aims that we want to. The traditional tools like Horizon 2020 have been absolutely fantastic in delivering the things that we want, but we want to do more of them and we want to set up priorities with respect to the international arena."

Discover our Scientific Programme and learn more about the 7 challenges for European research: https://europa.eu/!TW46Tk Watch more videos from the Scientific Steering Committee: https://bit.ly/1zJnuYv
