

The European Union has established a Scientific Board to promote an International debate at Expo on the theme of food safety and sustainability in the agricultural field. The contribution of Vladimir Sucha, Director General of the Joint Research Centre

On the occasion of the event "Sustainable Solutions for Energy, Climate and Food Security" at Expo Milano, on 26 June 2015 we were honoured to welcome EU Commissioner for Energy and Climate Action Miguel Arias Cañete and Director-General of the Directorate-General for Energy within the European Commission Dominique Ristori at our pavilion.

On 26 June we were glad to welcome at our pavilion Miguel Arias Cañete, EU Commissioner for Energy and Climate Action, on the occasion of the event on "Sustainable Solutions for Energy, Climate and Food Security", organised in collaboration with the Directorate Generale for Energy and Transport of the European Commission.

According to the studies of World Health Organization (WHO), at present about 40% of diseases in the world are due to the ecological stresses. One of the most important contributions to this figure is the chemical contamination of food and drinks.

On 22 June we hosted the workshop “Europe's Multi-Purpose Countryside.” This workshop exemplified the environmental care role of rural land managers in both the intensive food producing areas as well as in the more marginal and remote areas.