

On 18 June, it was a real pleasure to welcome the delegations AGRI, INTA and ITRE of the European Parliament today.

On 16 June, it was our pleasure to welcome Sandro Gozi, Italian Undersecretary of European Policies, and his delegation at the European Union pavilion and to host the event "Sport e alimentazione: la ricetta europea."

On 12 June 2015, we were honoured to welcome the Joint Research Centre Board of Governors to visit our pavilion.

For their Expo National Day, it was a great pleasure to welcome the delegation from San Marino Expo with the Captains Regent Andrea Belluzzi and Roberto Venturini accompanied by Ambassador Bruno Pasquino and MP Ivan Scalfarotto.

Last 4 June we were very happy to host “Translating Europe Workshop: Tradurre, degustare, esportare.” An interesting journey through words, translation and taste.