

"EU research and global food and nutrition security" is a LinkedIn group opened to boost a global scientific debate on Expo 2015's main themes – from food and nutrition security to sustainable production.

From 23 to 29 March, EU at Expo 2015 will host on its social media a thematic week on the theme "Supporting a healthy food industry in the EU", jointly in run with DG GROW

How can we manage the land for all ecosystem services? The answer of Alan Buckwell (Institute of European Environmental Policy, London), from our Scientific Steering Committee for Expo 2015 Milano.


How can we increase agricultural outputs sustainably? Katharina Hedlund (Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, Lunds Universitet), one of the members of our EU Scientific Steering Committee for Expo 2015 Milano, answers to one of the 7 challenges for the European research.


What is our contribution to the legacy of Expo 2015 Milano? Former EU Commissioner for Agriculture of Franz Fischler presents our Scientific Steering Committee for Expo 2015.