

The 4th meeting of EU Member States' Commissioners General for Expo 2015 was the last opportunity- until the official opening of the universal exposition – to strengthen the relationships between the key players of the European Union.

James Ogul interviews Christian Lachel of BRC Imagination Arts


David Wilkinson (EU Commissioner-general for the EU participation at Expo Milano 2015) and Franz Fischler (chairman of the Scientific Steering Committee) participate in a studio debate moderated by Enrico Brivio (European Commission spokesperson for Environment, Health, Food Safety, M

On 25 March 2015, Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, and MEP Paolo de Castro took part in a virtual 3D tour of the EU Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015.

How can we improve public health through nutrition? Beatrice Darcy-Vrillon, from the Dep. of Nutrition Chemical Food Safety and Consumer Behaviour – INRA Paris, and member of our Scientific Steering Committee, tries to tackle this challenge.