Calendrier des événements

En plus du pavillon, l'Union européenne organisera des conférences et des débats sur le thème de l'exposition, afin d'encourager une réflexion active et approfondie sur les moyens de nourrir la planète de façon saine et durable. L'UE a prévu un calendrier ambitieux de plus de 200 événements scientifiques, politiques, culturels et interentreprises traitant des questions de sécurité alimentaire au niveau mondial.

Consultez le calendrier des événements

Ces événements s'adressent à tous les publics, des jeunes aux scientifiques de haut niveau et aux responsables politiques. Notre ambition est d'apporter une contribution durable au débat mondial et à la recherche de solutions pour mettre un terme à la faim dans le monde.


Evénements passés

L’attività agricola ha sempre svolto nella storia due funzioni: quella produttrice di beni e servizi e quella riproduttrice della fertilità.

Coinciding with The Brewers of Europe AGM, which gathers 60/70 brewer delegates (including company CEOs and national association directors) from 29 European beer-producing countries, an open seminar will take stock of the brewers’ response to the EESC’s call to incentivise the growth potential of

The eighth plenary session of the European TTO Circle will draw representatives from technology transfer offices (TTO) of major European public research organisations, industrial representatives together with European Commission staff.

Research on soil organic matter (SOM) turnover has attracted a great deal of attention in the last two decades since the maintenance of soil quality and fertility is one of the main current global challenges and for economic and environmental reasons.

Dissemination event. Presentation of activities and results of six selected EU-funded projects addressing water scarcity and water-use in crop production. Projects: CLIMAFRICA, WAHARA, EAU4FOOD, MARS, GLOBAQUA, FIGARO.

This Water JPI event will focus on the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the Water JPI and in particular on two of the five core themes identified as water challenges: Developing safe water systems for the citizens;Implementing a water bio-based economy.

The event aims at having an exchange of views between competent Authorities, small producers and EU Commission on the application of the flexibility rules foreseen in the EU hygiene legislation after 10 years from the publication of the so called hygiene package.

Conference and business meetings organized in collaboration with the EEN on agro-food manufacturing and health bio technologies.

The need to protect the available fertile soils form degradation processes and preserve the basis for food production for future generations.

Further details and information

Animal welfare is an important component ensuring animal health; furthermore animal welfare is closely linked also to food safety, to the higher quality of food produce, sustainable agriculture and the respect of the environment.