Calendrier des événements

En plus du pavillon, l'Union européenne organisera des conférences et des débats sur le thème de l'exposition, afin d'encourager une réflexion active et approfondie sur les moyens de nourrir la planète de façon saine et durable. L'UE a prévu un calendrier ambitieux de plus de 200 événements scientifiques, politiques, culturels et interentreprises traitant des questions de sécurité alimentaire au niveau mondial.

Consultez le calendrier des événements

Ces événements s'adressent à tous les publics, des jeunes aux scientifiques de haut niveau et aux responsables politiques. Notre ambition est d'apporter une contribution durable au débat mondial et à la recherche de solutions pour mettre un terme à la faim dans le monde.


Evénements passés

Agriculture in an Interconnected World is intended to capture the widespread adoption of new communication technologies. The theme embraces a broad range of interconnections that are contributing to unprecedented changes in global agriculture, such as:

Open day type event with exhibitions and discussions on role of soil in food production.

Event under International Year of Soil.

Further details and information

This 2-day pre-ICAE event organised by the European Commission with the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) and the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium (IATRC) at the margins of the Expo Milan 2015, will gather more than 30 high level speakers from academia, ma

Expo Milano 2015 is a unique opportunity to highlight the added value of the EU regarding safe and sustainable food production and raise awareness of the importance of farming and of the challenge of food security.

Nutrition – including the individuals’ food habits and preferences – acts as a major determinant of long-term health consequences.

The conference will discuss with international experts three topics within three main sessions:

The title of this year's HOBB is "The EXPOnential relevance of Biobanking, Clinical Biobanks for personalised medicine".

Present to the international press the initiative to enhance the single Destinations of Excellence awarded by EDEN since 2007.

Journée économique : Présentation de zone franche de Nouadhibou 

The 'Family Meal – What brings us together?' pan-European photo exhibition, run jointly by the European Commission and the UN World Food Programme (WFP), was launched next to the EU Pavilion at Expo Milano on 19