Education, Research, Scientific Networking and Trust Building within International Cooperation

ven, 31 juillet 2015

The conference will discuss with international experts three topics within three main sessions:

1. New competences for Cooperation and Development: how to set patterns of education, training, design and scientific communication in the sector, as well as how to activate new generations of researchers, academicians and professionals in Developed and Developing Countries.
2. Research and Innovation for Development: the case of city food. Scientific research has become a tool for development and can contribute to innovate the practice of international cooperation using also research for improving the efficacy of any action.
3. Scientific Networking and Trust Building: this complex framework of action leads us to understand that nobody can act alone: networking of competences and expertise is more and more requested among universities, NGOs, International Organizations, Non Profit, Enterprises, local and national institutions, North‐North, North‐South and South‐South cooperation.

Further details and information

Photo credits: © Minerva Studio