

After her visit to the Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Vice President Kristalina Georgieva visited the EU pavilion at Expo on Friday 10/7 afternoon.

Agricultural market developments have attracted considerable attention recently, due to increasing consumer food prices and sharp short term price fluctuations of agricultural commodity prices.

"Siamo europei, prima di essere di ogni altra nazionalità. Questo è il sentimento più forte che ha caratterizzato le mie due settimane al Padiglione dell'Unione europea a Expo. Essere qui è come prendere parte ad un grande viaggio".

It was absolutely wonderful to meet the people behind the Facebook Group "Expo 2015 Milano - consigli per gli utenti". A true hub of information, facilitating people to fully enjoy the beauty of Expo Milano 2015 and an active community of enthusiastic visitors at the biggest ever event on nutrition.

The meeting was an opportunity to discuss communication challenges and opportunities and have a productive exchange of opinions over the potentials of institutional communication towards citizens.

On 3 July we had the pleasure to host the event "Nutrition, Health and Food information: 'know what you eat'" at our pavilion in Milan.

The conference, an international dialogue organised by the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission, tackled the issues of sound strategies on nutrition, and promotion of better nutrition through food information.