

The 7th coordination meeting with the participating EU Member States at Expo 2015 Milan took place on Friday 31th August in the European Union pavilion. This proficuous meeting introduced by Commissioner General Wilkinson and chaired by Deputy Commissioner General Giancarlo Caratti, was the occasion to make a first assessment of the first 4 months of Expo.

There is no doubt that Expo Milan has turned out as a great success of public and that the EU is gaining a lot out of its participation. Over the past few days, we have been experiencing a pretty amazing turn up at the EU pavilion. We even expect higher numbers in September when school trips will be organised. We are well in line with our forecast of 500,000 visitors which we are confident to exceed at the end of Expo.

The EU Pavilion at EXPO, located along the Cardo and part of the Italian Pavilion, is implemented by the Joint Research Centre of Ispra (Varese), the Italian branch of the EU structure dedicated to scientific and technological research.

I conduttori di "Radioimmaginaria" hanno fra gli 11 e i 17 anni. Dal 23 al 31 agosto trasmetteranno da uno studio radiofonico allestito davanti al Padiglione Ue.

Il Padiglione dell’Unione Europea a Expo, ospitato lungo il cardo e parte del Padiglione Italia, è curato dal Joint Research Centre di Ispra (Varese), la sede italiana della struttura UE dedicata alla ricerca scientifica e tecnologica.