Events Archive

A two-day festival 'Resonances', where the Directorate-General Joint Research Centre (DG JRC), the European Commission's in-house science service, will experiment with the building blocks of science, politics and the arts to explore different ways of discussing scientific, ethical and policy rele

For EXPO (18 October 2015) the International Cooperation Directorate of the DG Research and Innovation, European Commission, will organise a half-day session with an interactive round-table on EU-Africa research and innovation in support of food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture.

Innovative approaches for resource efficiency, including energy, in agriculture and forestry sectors for food production could be emphasised in an event on smart food and energy systems, ecological farming etc.

The event is being organised by the European Committee of Regions in partnership with the Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI) and with the support of the European Commission in Milan.

In 2012 EFSA launched its Science Strategy 2012-2016. On 7-8 November that year, more than 600 of the world’s leading food safety experts took part in a high-level scientific conference organised by EFSA.

Presentation of the new Executive Master Cibo e Salute organized and promoted by the University of Gastronomic Sciences. The Master will start in January 2016 and has been developed in partnership with ADI, AMD, FADOI, Slow Medicine and Slow Food.

The EU-funded GLAMUR project, ran by a consortium of 15 European partners, is examining what distinguishes a ‘global’ from a ‘local’ food supply chain.

Leading DG / Organisation: EPSO & Plants for the Future ETP

Event title: 3rd Fascination of Plants Day

In the framework of the International Day for Volunteering in Expo “Feed the planet…by Volunteering!”, that will take place on October, 11th, Ciessevi, Erasmus Student Network, Agenzia Nazionale per i Giovani and the EU Pavilion organize one day of meetings and events about volunteering.