International Conference - Strengthening Global Food and Nutrition Security through Research and Innovation - lessons learned from Expo 2015

jeu, 15 octobre 2015

Thursday, 15 October 2015, Expo Conference Centre – EXPO Milan

The European Union's participation at Expo Milano 2015 - apart from being a cultural event has been an international platform for policy debate on global food and nutrition security. An unprecedented number of countries and international bodies were engaged in an international dialogue to enhance cooperation and to identify those research areas and innovative practices which would allow new ways of tackling food insecurity and its associated problems. 

A final event on 15 October taking place just one day before World Food Day offers a platform where international actors from politics, the scientific community, industry, and civil society can discuss the recommendations for a "European Research and Innovation Agenda for Global Food and Nutrition Security" that have been produced by the EU scientific steering committee for Expo 2015.  These recommendations are based on the Steering Committee's discussion paper "The role of research for global food and nutrition security" and on the six months discussion during more than 200 conferences and workshops organised in Milan in the framework of the EU scientific programme for Expo 2015.  

Following the six month debate at Expo 2015, the EU Scientific Steering Committee is presenting four key recommendations contained in the document Expo 2015 EU Scientific Steering Committee Recommendations: research and innovation in global food and nutrition security. Here the committee calls on the European institutions to carefully consider these recommendations and take them into account for future policy decisions in the area of food and nutrition security. 


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