Calendrier des événements

En plus du pavillon, l'Union européenne organisera des conférences et des débats sur le thème de l'exposition, afin d'encourager une réflexion active et approfondie sur les moyens de nourrir la planète de façon saine et durable. L'UE a prévu un calendrier ambitieux de plus de 200 événements scientifiques, politiques, culturels et interentreprises traitant des questions de sécurité alimentaire au niveau mondial.

Consultez le calendrier des événements

Ces événements s'adressent à tous les publics, des jeunes aux scientifiques de haut niveau et aux responsables politiques. Notre ambition est d'apporter une contribution durable au débat mondial et à la recherche de solutions pour mettre un terme à la faim dans le monde.


Evénements passés

Information and Communications Technology has led a revolution in these last 50 years and the pace is accelerating so that we can expect to see in the coming 5 years the same amount of changes that took place in the last 50 years.

Workshop on 06th of  October 2015
EXPO Milan – EU Pavilion – 1st floor
06/10/2015 – 10 – 19:30

Leading DG / Organisation: EPSO & Plants for the Future ETP

Event title: 3rd Fascination of Plants Day

Conference and business meetings organized with the EEN on agro-food manufacturing, space applications, creative industry, and food design.

Photo credits: © Minerva Studio -

SOCIAL INNOVATIONS AROUND, Social Innovations International Summit , through which the Association SIS wants to promote corporate culture, territory culture and artistic language culture as an instrument of cultural evolution and socio-economic embarking on a path together with businesses, profes

From the preamble of the Milan Charter

This workshop will focus on the sensory method of analysis for virgin olive oil which was established by the International Olive Council in 1987 and has largely contributed to the improvement of the quality of virgin olive oils.

Il cocktail serale corona la giornata di lavoro del Global & European Think Tanks Summit, che si svolge l’1, 2 e 3 ottobre a Milano.

It will be shown how chemistry can help to understand what makes food pleasant and how food is transformed during the cooking procedure in order not only to be appreciated b the consumers but also to be safe and to mantain its nutritional value.

With the special participation of Delegations from ASEAN - Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam).