Digital, feeding the Planet...with data

mer, 7 octobre 2015

Information and Communications Technology has led a revolution in these last 50 years and the pace is accelerating so that we can expect to see in the coming 5 years the same amount of changes that took place in the last 50 years. Whilst the last 50 years enablers can be pinpointed to processing and communications the next decade will be characterised by the exploitation of data to the point that many observers are labelling the new wave as the “Data Economy”. The Data economy will be based on three pillars: harvesting of data, making sense of data relations, turn data derived knowledge into actions.  EIT Digital is clearly a major player in the second area, at the same time it connects with the first with its contribution to the Internet of Thing and to the third by connecting to a variety of stakeholders.

Photo credits: Cheng -