Calendar of Events

In addition to its pavilion, the European Union fostered a dynamic and in-depth discussion around how to feed the world healthily and sustainably through the organisation of conferences and events dedicated to the theme of Expo Milano 2015. An ambitious calendar of more than 200 events was developed to address global food security challenges through scientific, policy, business to business (B2B) and cultural events.

These events offered something for everyone from young people to high level scientists, entrepreneurs and policy makers. Our goal for the Expo was to create a lasting legacy that will shape the global debate and contribute to finding solutions to ending world hunger post 2015.

This calendar of events, which can be seen below by clicking the dedicated button, should also serve as a resource base, making accessible to the public the large amount of knowledge created throughout these events.

In case you are interested in particular subjects, you can also find a list of events categorised by topic and their related reports (click on the dedicated button below).



Past events:

The European Commission, Directorate General Joint Research Centre (DG JRC), Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) and its Smart Specialisation Platform (S3 Platform) will specifically contribute to the discussions on food and smart growth in EU regions.

The EU and national level guidance on drafting the programming of European Investment and Structural Funds for the period 2014‐2020 brings more and more attention to the results of co‐funded operations.

The 2015 edition of EUCYS takes place in Milan from 23-30 September. This coincides with the World Expo which runs from 1 May till 31 October in Milan on the theme "Feeding the Planet: Energy for Life".

On 19-20 September 2015, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) will organise a two days awareness activities "Be a researcher for a day" on Naviglio Grande to bring EU researchers closer to the Italian.

Forum Dieta Mediterranea: dopo il successo delle quattro edizioni precedenti, anche quest'anno la Camera di Commercio, l'Azienda Speciale PromImperia desiderano impegnarsi nell'analisi delle strategie di valorizzazione dell'importante riconoscimento UNESCO alla Dieta Mediterranea, organizzando il

Water crises might be among the major global risks to social stability that the world are the least prepared for.

The European Commission – the Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMES is organizing  a focused event on EU-Sub Saharan Africa that will see the participation of European and African companies, clusters and Institutions.

The 2015 edition of EUCYS takes place in Milan from 23-30 September. This coincides with the World Expo which runs from 1 May till 31 October in Milan on the theme "Feeding the Planet: Energy for Life".