Event Reports

The programme of events has been framed by two key conferences:

On 8 May 2015, at the beginning of the Expo

an Official Launch Event to present the discussion paper and discuss its seven themes with stakeholders from policy, academia and industry.

Event Report

On 15 October 2015, the closing conference

Strengthening Global Food and Nutrition Security through Research and Innovation - lessons learned from Expo 2015 to present answers that have come up during the Expo, and to present a recommendation document that proposes some results and sets the scene for actions to be taken after the Expo

Event Report

Too see further event reports clustered by subject click on the icons below.

Improve public health through nutrition

Event Report

Increase food safety and quality

Event Report

Reduce losses and waste

Event Report

Manage the land for all ecosystem services

Event Report

Increase agricultural outputs sustainably

Event Report

Understand food markets in an increasingly globalised food system

Event Report

Increase equity in the food system

Event Report