Events Archive

The conference will discuss with international experts three topics within three main sessions:

The title of this year's HOBB is "The EXPOnential relevance of Biobanking, Clinical Biobanks for personalised medicine".

Present to the international press the initiative to enhance the single Destinations of Excellence awarded by EDEN since 2007.

Journée économique : Présentation de zone franche de Nouadhibou 

Crop genetic improvement technologies for a sustainable and productive agriculture addressing food and nutritional security, climate change and human health.

A sustainable food future requires coordinated efforts across a number of sectors. These include reducing food waste, changing diets, optimizing the supply chain.

The 'Family Meal – What brings us together?' pan-European photo exhibition, run jointly by the European Commission and the UN World Food Programme (WFP), was launched next to the EU Pavilion at Expo Mil

“E’ nel nostro interesse” il pay off scelto da ItaliaCamp per il lancio  della 4° Assemblea che si terrà il 10 e 11 luglio nella suggestiva cornice  dell’Esposizione Universale di Milano.

This conference will discuss how food and agricultural markets can become more stable, and what policies and regulatory frameworks should be implemented to make world food systems more efficient, sustainable and predictable.

With the special participation of Delegations from ASEAN - Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam).