Calendario degli eventi

Oltre alle attività organizzate all'interno del suo padiglione, l'Unione europea promuoverà un dibattito dinamico e approfondito su come sfamare il mondo in maniera sana e sostenibile attraverso conferenze ed eventi dedicati al tema di Expo Milano 2015. Un ambizioso calendario con oltre 200 eventi esaminerà le sfide globali della sicurezza alimentare mediante iniziative scientifiche, politiche, "business to business" (B2B) e culturali.

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Questi eventi avranno qualcosa da offrire a tutti: dai giovani agli scienziati di alto livello e ai responsabili politici. Il nostro obiettivo per Expo è lasciare un'eredità duratura che informi il dibattito globale e contribuisca a trovare delle soluzioni per debellare la fame nel mondo dopo il 2015.


Past events

EXPO it’s world on its own, and so the protocol and ceremonial there is of a different kind.

We’re taking this opportunity to understand how it works and what are the different protocol and procedures in various pavilions, and even back into the history of the Universal Exposition.

The aim of this workshop is to discuss the challenges and opportunities for the further development of nutrient recovery and reuse from waste streams for agriculture.

Oggi l’Emilia-Romagna è una delle realtà più avanzate d’Europa nel campo agroalimentare. Qualità, ricerca, innovazione e internazionalizzazione sono le parole d’ordine.

La Summer School intende guidare i partecipanti nell'acquisizione di un sapere critico in merito all'alimentazione umana, con riferimento a produzione e consumo di cibi di origine animale, esplorandone gli aspetti socio-culturali, la disciplina normativa, ma anche la dimensione morale implicita.

The aim of this event is to make people understand what is at stake- food security in the EU is not only about feeding people worldwide, it is about ensuring that we provide European citizens with healthy and nutritious food that can be produced not just today but also tomorrow.

SMART CITIES STRATEGY SESSION, first appointment of SOCIAL INNOVATIONS AROUND, Social Innovations International Summit, through which the Association SIS wants to promote corporate culture, territory culture and artistic language culture as an instrument of cultural evolution and socio-economic e

The event is a conference which will demonstrate that Europe’s capacities to tackle the challenges of feeding always more people in a competitive and sustainable way are already existing and could be further enhanced by different means such as the support to innovation or the development of farm

About 805 million people in the world, or one in nine, suffer from hunger, according to The State of Food Insecurity in the World released in September 2014 by FAO, IFAD and WFP.

Food Futuring Tours is participatory experience which aims at re-imagining food in the XXI century, collecting ideas, visions and imaginaries about the future of food and food of the future, and their possible social – inclusive of ethical and cultural aspects – and environmental impacts inspired

Participants will discuss the potential role of subsistence/smallholder farms on local level food security in low income economies' rural areas and give their experiences and expertise of the various methodological approaches to address knowledge gaps related to local food security.