Calendario degli eventi

Oltre alle attività organizzate all'interno del suo padiglione, l'Unione europea promuoverà un dibattito dinamico e approfondito su come sfamare il mondo in maniera sana e sostenibile attraverso conferenze ed eventi dedicati al tema di Expo Milano 2015. Un ambizioso calendario con oltre 200 eventi esaminerà le sfide globali della sicurezza alimentare mediante iniziative scientifiche, politiche, "business to business" (B2B) e culturali.

Consulta il calendario eventi

Questi eventi avranno qualcosa da offrire a tutti: dai giovani agli scienziati di alto livello e ai responsabili politici. Il nostro obiettivo per Expo è lasciare un'eredità duratura che informi il dibattito globale e contribuisca a trovare delle soluzioni per debellare la fame nel mondo dopo il 2015.


Past events

Exhibition on EU gastronomic routes inviting visitors to discover EU culture, food history and gastronomic products

B2B event on 28th from 14.30 to 19.30

Photo credits: Rawpixel -

Food Futuring Tours is participatory experience which aims at re-imagining food in the XXI century, collecting ideas, visions and imaginaries about the future of food and food of the future, and their possible social – inclusive of ethical and cultural aspects – and environmental impacts inspired

Producing sugar in Italy means respecting qualitative, environmental and social standards with a strong link to the territory; used in many products, sugar in Italy plays an important role for the supplying of confectionery Industries as for final consumers.

Coordinatore: Alba L’Astorina (IREA)
Coordinatore: Ângela Guimarães Pereira (Joint Research Centre)

Date: 28 September, 2015
Venue: Palazzo delle Stelline - corso Magenta, 61
Registrations open until 15th September

Photo credits: © Rawpixel -

workshop and product tasting

Apid is an association working since 1989 to foster and develop women’s economy, female entrepreneurship and leadership. We strongly believe in:

"Together with De Agostini  Editore – Canali Tv, owner of three different Tv channels dedicated to kids (Super!, DeaKids, DeaJunior), the EU Pavilion is planning an event on the terrace spread over two days.

It is a Europe-wide public event to stimulate interest in research careers, especially among young people. The activities are focused on the general public and might take various forms such as hands-on experiments, science shows, debates, competitions or quizzes.

Due to the increasing globalization of the food supply, food safety problems can spread rapidly beyond single locations to create problems.