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EUROPA > 50th Anniversary > Special publications and products

Special publications and products



50 ways forward - Europe's best successes
50 ways forward - Europe's best successes  This booklet aims to show you – in an attractive and entertaining way – 50 stories on how people in Europe, and beyond, have benefited, and will continue to benefit, from European cooperation.


Taking Europe to the world - 50 years of the European Commission's External Service
Taking Europe to the world - 50 years of the European Commission's External Service  A booklet, also available online, describing in clear language the development and expansion of the four principal components of the EU's external relations - trade, development, aid, humanitarian aid and foreign policy - since the signing of the Treaty of Rome 50 years ago. This publication is only available in EN.

Statistical portrait of the European Union 2007
Statistical portrait of the European Union 2007 This publication provides a general introduction to the policy areas and objectives listed in the preamble of the EEC Treaty and a set of 50 statistical indicators showing how the areas have been developed and what has been achieved in 50 years.

European Union: the next 50 Years
European Union: the next 50 Years  This is a collection of 50 articles from leading thinkers and decision-makers from across Europe and beyond. It has contributions from nationals of every EU Member State, and introductions by Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, and Jose Manuel Barroso, EU Commission President. The publication is an initiative of Financial Times Business and Agora Projects, in association with the London School of Economics and Political Science.

50 Years Euratom Treaty: Un temps pour le bilan
A commemorative publication on the fifty years of the Euratom treaty. The book gives an overview on the historical aspects of the treaty, on how its instruments have been applied over the fifty years of its existence and the main areas it covers: Development of research and dissemination of knowledge, protection of health and the environment, nuclear economy, nuclear safeguards and peaceful use of nuclear materials, international relations. The book will be published in German, English and French in the Spring 2007.

The Rome Treaty, 50 years on
A commemorative book will be produced about the European story, achievements and failures of the Rome Treaty. The book will be published on 1 January 2008 in EN and FR.

The Treaties of Rome and the headlines, 25.3.1957
The Treaties of Rome and the headlines, 25.3.1957 This collection — on newsprint and in newspaper format — was published when the 40 years were celebrated and contains front pages from 32 newspapers in 15 member states.

Cultural Reflections of Europe on Spain
A book including 27 articles written by 27 culture personalities, each from one of UE 27 Member States (150 pages with illustrations). They give the impressions they have as European citizens in this anniversary, and from their particular knowledge of the Spanish culture, about the links between Spain and the European Union.

50 years building Europe - What you always wanted to know about Europe
50 years building Europe  A booklet aimed at all teachers and other opinion multipliers in Spain. It contains a summary of the main topics about European integration.

Tiny news on Europe for young people
Tiny News on Europe for young people The fifth number of this periodical review on Europe for children between 8 and 12 published by the Representation of the European Commission in Spain will be dedicated to the 50th anniversary.

The Berlin Declaration
50 years after the creation of the European Union, its current leaders gathered up in Berlin to celebrate its birthday in March 2007. The outcome of the meeting is summed up in the Berlin Declaration, a document containing a vision for the EU, outlining ambitions for the future of Europe.

Joint Research Center - 50 years of science in Europe
This publication gives an overview of the JRC's 50 years of existence - from its mention in the 1957 Euratom Treaty to being the Union's reference centre of science and technology today. This publication is only available in English.

European Integration Lessons
European Integration Lessons  This book, available in Lithuanian, is produced for teachers to promote the European topics in schools. Teachers and students are encouraged to discuss EU-related issues and the role of Lithuania in the EU. The book will be distributed to schools.


We are going to Brussels!
We are going to Brussels!  In this booklet for children, the EU-horse of Lower Saxony (called “Eurogaloppo“) will travel to Brussels to visit the EU-institutions. He will explain what they are doing and how they work. The publication is only available in German.


European Economic and Social Committee resolution to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome
European Economic and Social Committee resolution to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome  On 14 March 2007 the EESC celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, with Mr Max Kohnstamm, former Secretary of the High Authority of the Coal and Steel Community and assistant to Jean Monnet. At the occasion, the EESC Plenary Session unanimously adopted a Resolution.

ECAS Manifesto: 10Cs for the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome
European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) has published a 10-point Manifesto calling for a wide range of reforms to be implemented for the EU. The association claims that a transition has been made from the economic Europe of the Treaty of Rome to a citizens’ Europe. This 5-page document is only available in English.

EU anniversary special supplement
A supplement dedicated to the achievements of European Community during 50 years and Estonia’s three years in the EU will be distributed with Estonian and Russian dailies on 22nd March 2007.

50 years of the EU insert
48 pages of the weekly “Newsweek“ in Poland will be dedicated to illustrate the History of the Treaty of Rome and Poland's 3 years in the EU.

The Identity of the Old Continent and the Future of the European Project
A special book of essays by well known Polish academics. The book will present Polish ideas about the origin and future of the European Union and Poland’s role in the EU in the next 50 years. Available only in Polish.

The European Idea in Poland in the XX Century
This book presents the most important Polish intellectuals and politicians of the XX century and their contribution to the European integration philosophy. Available only in Polish.

Children's booklet
Let's get the EU closer to children! The booklet produced by the European Parliament Information Office in Budapest will make Europe's youngest citizens play with puzzles, stickers, quiz and games on the European Union. The publication will be distributed at fairs, exhibitions and schools starting from mid-September. Available only in Hungarian.

European Economy News: 50 years of economic integration
A special edition of the European Commission magazine European Economy News devoted to integration between Europe’s economies. The magazine explores some of the EU’s major topics, such as the citizen’s right to live and work anywhere in Europe, the single currency and the single market. Only available in English.

50 aastat ühinemist (50 Years of Integration )
This special supplement, available in Estonian and in Russian , was published as an insert in daily newspapers in Estonia in March to commemorate the anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. The supplement contains articles on various European issues with contributions from national and as well as European politicians.

European Social Fund: 50 years investing in people - 50th anniversary book
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the European Social Fund (ESF), the European Commission has published an illustrated book describing the activities of the ESF during the past half century. This book is available in English, French and German. In addition to this, a leaflet in 23 languages has been published, providing basic background information about the ESF.

The European Commission, 1958-72 – History and Memories
This publication is both a historical record and a commemoration covering the early years of the European Commission before the first enlargement. The book has been written by European historians on the basis of the recollections of some 120 people who were involved at the time. It is a representation of the birth of the Commission, its initial struggles and its political and administrative development. Available in English, French, German, Italian and Dutch.

Background publications

Panorama of the EU
Panorama of the EU This leaflet provides a short introduction to EU main achievements and policies. Includes a map of Europe.

Europe in 12 lessons
Europe in 12 lessons This booklet gives a comprehensive overview about what is the purpose of the EU, why and how it was set up, how it works and what it has achieved for citizens.

More publications

EU Bookshop
EU Bookshop is an online service giving access to publications from the EU institutions, agencies and other bodies. In addition to the online bookshop, this service offers an online catalogue and archive of all EU publications.

Easy Reading Corner
Here you will find booklets that explain, as simply as possible, what the European Union is and what it does as well as maps, posters and postcards and booklets about the EU for young people.



Traité de Rome
Traité de Rome This website, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and launched by the French government contains historical documents such as video recordings and photos and presents the history of the European Union. It also includes contributions from European key personalities and a list of all the celebrations taking place in France.

Insieme dal 1957
The European Commission Representation in Italy has created a special section on its website called “Insieme dal 1957“ (Together since 1957), entirely devoted to the key anniversaries taking place in 2007: the 50th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome; the centenary of the birth of Altiero Spinelli; the 20th anniversary of the Erasmus programme and the 30th anniversary of the European University Institute

Celebrating Europe in Brussels in 2007
This website, created by the Tourism and Convention bureau, provides information about the celebrations taking place in Brussels in 2007. 

The German government has launched this website to promote the events taking place in Germany on March 24-25. There is also information about the history of the EU.

Euros du village
This website has launched a special section on the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome including video interviews with prominent Europeans on their views on the future of Europe, their experiences and their European dream.

In Italy, the Department for EU Policies (the Prime Minister’s Office) has launched a new website to provide information on EU institutions, programmes, services, funding and to highlight how the EU has improved the quality of life of its citizens.

The 50th anniversary in Ireland
The 50th anniversary in Ireland The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs has created a special section on its website dedicated to the 50th anniversary, focusing on the celebrations organised in the country.


Fra de Seks til de 27 (From the Six to the 27)
A Danish website showing the history of Denmark's relation with the EU seen through the front-page stories of Danish newspapers.  



You can find at the EU audiovisual service several videos illustrating key events of the European construction process.

50 years of European research
European research This video highlights European research achievements over the past 50 years, such as the creation of the GSM-standard for mobile phones, the development of the WorldWideWeb and the world's largest particle physics laboratory. The video has been shown on EuroNews and it is available online in seven languages.

Video clips on MEDIA programme
Video clips on MEDIA programme These five video clips contain scenes from European “blockbusters“ that have been supported by MEDIA, an EU support programme for the European audiovisual industry. Scenes are included from L’Auberge espagnole, Goodbye Lenin, Le Fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain, The Pianist, Billy Elliot, Mar adentro, La vita e bella and other movies. The clips are available on a DVD in all 23 official EU languages and online.

The European Parliament and the Construction of Europe
The video shows the most momentous points in EU history, from World War II to the draft Constitution in 2006. Select the period you are interested in and have a look at what was happening in Europe at the time with your very own eyes.

Videos on environment
Videos on environment The past, present and future of EU environmental action is illustrated using the following themes: air, water, waste, nature & biodiversity, civil protection, chemicals and climate change.


DVD “Europe needs your visions“
DVD containing the “best of“ of the Representation of the European Commission in Germany’s youth creativity contest “Youropean vision“, showing young people’s visions on Europe. How do young people see the future of “their“ Europe? Students in twelve German cities produced their video to show their vision of Europe.

The Human 50 clip
Videos on environment To celebrate EU turning 50, over 900 from the European Commission staff gathered to form a human number 50. The event was filmed and illustrated in a 40 seconds video clip.

EU Tube - Sharing the sights and sounds of Europe
EU Tube, the EU channel on the YouTube website, one of the most popular video-sharing forums, shows videos on EU campaigns, interviews, debates, concrete examples of the application of EU laws and much more. Videos are available in different languages with viewers being able to post their comments on the various contributions.


Posters and postcards

Wallchart on EU history
Wallchart on EU history The wallchart “Europe on the move - the story of the EU“ is in format A1 (59.4 x 84 cm) and features a timeline of both EU and general history since World War II.


Poster with the anniversary logo ‘Together since 1957“
The poster is in format A2 (42 x 59.4 cm) and available in 23 language versions. Also available from Europe Direct relays and Representations.

Postcard with the anniversary logo “Together since 1957“
Postcard with the anniversary logo Also available from Europe Direct relays and Representations.

Time line poster on EU environmental action
This is a poster portraying a “time-line“ of 50 years of protecting Europe's environment.

Poster featuring the main steps of the last 50 years of the EU
Poster featuring the main steps of the last 50 years of the EU Colourful poster 69x91 cm, produced by the European Parliament Information Office in Budapest. The poster describes the main steps of European integration and enlargement, and contains a short description of the Treaty of Rome as well as spectacular maps of Europe showing the seats of the EU institutions, bodies and agencies. The poster also reports funny facts about the EU (such as the location with the longest name) and a list of the official languages. Available only in English and Hungarian.



To download this wallpaper, just click on the image. You have two sizes to choose from: large (1024x768) and small (800x600).

Wallpaper 800x600 jpeg - 57 KB [57 KB]  800x600

Wallpaper 1024x768 jpeg - 85 KB [85 KB]  1024x768


Commemorative coin

Commemorative coin

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the European Union, on March 25 2007 euro-area countries will all issue a €2 coin representing the Piazza del Campidoglio in Rome where the Treaty of Rome was signed on 25 March 1957. For the first time ever a coin will be issued by all euro-area countries to commemorate the same event and all national sides of a euro coin will be based on a common design. The only element that will be different and distinguish the country versions is the language of the legend and the mintmark. In total close to 90 million coins will be issued.


Stamps and envelopes

Portuguese, Greek, Irish, Cypriot, Lithuanian, Polish, French, German, Slovenian, Italian, Belgian and Spanish postal authorities will issue commemorating stamps.

The Public Post Office in Portugal in co-operation with the Commission Representation will issue a special stamp on 25 March 2007 with the official logo adopted by the EU institutions “Together since 1957“, a special envelope and a small leaflet.


Greek postal authorities will issue a commemorative stamp with normal commercial value which will circulate during 2007 addressed to all users of postal services and not only philatelists.


The Irish post will issue a 55c stamp commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. Also due to be issued is a rare souvenir Philatelic Numismatic Cover (only 5,000 of these will be issued) which comes with a special commemorative 2-euro coin produced by the Central Bank.

stamps Cyprus Postal Services have designed and prepared for circulation on 3 May an anniversary stamp.



In Lithuania, a special envelope featuring the logo and a special stamp to mark the anniversary will be issued on the 24th of March. A special “stamping” procedure for philatelists will be organized at the Post of Lithuania.


On the 25th of March a special envelope featuring the logo of the 50th Anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, a special stamp and a postmark will be issued by the Polish Post Office in cooperation with the European Commission Representation in Poland.


The French postal service is celebrating the 50th anniversary with a stamp symbolising a value held to be fundamental to the European ideal given birth to in the Rome Treaty – that of solidarity.

From March to December 2007 the European Commission Representation in Germany will be using a specially designed “Together since 1957” postmark available for free upon request. A post marker of the logo will also be available at the ‘Stamp Fair’ of Essen on 3 - 5 May. Commemorative stationery envelope together with the celebratory stamp will be on sale during the event and in all German philatelic counters.


On the 25th of March a special stamp featuring the Slovenian version of the anniversary logo “Together since 1957“ will be issued by the Commission Representation in Slovenia together with the Slovenian Post Office.




The Italian postal service will issue two commemorative stamps celebrating the 50th anniversary of the treaty of Rome representing the pavement of Palazzo del Campidoglio, where the treaty was signed.


The Belgian postal service will issue a stamp representing the six founding member states ( Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, France, Germany and Italy) and an envelope featuring the anniversary logo “Together since 1957“.


The Spanish postal service will commemorate the 50th anniversary with a special stamp representing a map of Europe with EU countries displayed in different colours according to the year of entry in the EU.




The Spanish National Blind Organization (editors of a popular lottery - ONCE) will launch a commemorating lottery ticket with the number 25.03.1957.



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