Calendario degli eventi

Oltre alle attività organizzate all'interno del suo padiglione, l'Unione europea promuoverà un dibattito dinamico e approfondito su come sfamare il mondo in maniera sana e sostenibile attraverso conferenze ed eventi dedicati al tema di Expo Milano 2015. Un ambizioso calendario con oltre 200 eventi esaminerà le sfide globali della sicurezza alimentare mediante iniziative scientifiche, politiche, "business to business" (B2B) e culturali.

Consulta il calendario eventi

Questi eventi avranno qualcosa da offrire a tutti: dai giovani agli scienziati di alto livello e ai responsabili politici. Il nostro obiettivo per Expo è lasciare un'eredità duratura che informi il dibattito globale e contribuisca a trovare delle soluzioni per debellare la fame nel mondo dopo il 2015.

Upcoming events


The European Commission – the Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMES is organizing  a focused event on EU-Sub Saharan Africa that will see the participation of European and African companies, clusters and Institutions.

The European Commission – the Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMES is organizing a focused event on EU-Japan that will see the participation of European and Japanese companies, clusters and Institutions.

This conference will discuss how food and agricultural markets can become more stable, and what policies and regulatory frameworks should be implemented to make world food systems more efficient, sustainable and predictable.

SMART CITIES STRATEGY SESSION is the first appointment of SOCIAL INNOVATIONS AROUND, Social Innovations International Summit, through which the Association SIS wants to promote corporate culture, territory culture and artistic language culture as an instrument of cultural evolution and socio-econ

The Aspen Forum at Expo programming will feature a series of workshops, panel discussions, interviews, dinner events and tutorials to foster dialogue, aggregate ideas, and showcase innovations in food security, nutrition, global health, sustainability in the challenge of Expo: Feeding the Planet.