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Evropa slaví! - 50. výročí Římské smlouvyPřeskočit lištu s výběrem jazyků (klávesnicová zkratka =2) 01/02/2008
EUROPA > 50. výročí > V zemích EU > Belgie


V EvropěV zemích EUVe světěKalendářDruhy akcí
VýstavaVýstava 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Brussels - Belgium
Mini-Europe and Spirit of Europe

Mini-Europe and Spirit of Europe

With their unbeatable level of accuracy, the scale models of Mini-Europe can be contemplated on a wholly European walk. In 2007, new gems will be added. Among them a scale model of the new Berlaymont building sponsored by the Representation in Belgium of the European Commission. In the Spirit of Europe area visitors get a chance to see how much they know about Europe. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

JinéJiné 30/01/07 > 01/02/07Brussels - Belgium
Energy Week: Financing Local and Regional Sustainable Energy Solutions

Energy Week: Financing Local and Regional Sustainable Energy Solutions

Concrete instruments and financial measures for sustaining renewable energy and energy efficiency are the focus of the three-day seminar set to take place in Brussels from 30 January to 1 February. The event aims to help local and regional authorities find funding for their promotional activities. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

KonferenceKonference 07/02/07 > 08/02/07Brussels - Belgium
A change for the better

A change for the better

Innovative solutions to traffic problems, green technologies and sustainable transport are the discussion themes of the workshop “A change for the better”. People from all over Europe will share experiences and exchange ideas on how to promote the use of bicycles, public transport or car-pooling in urban areas. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

VýstavaVýstava 27/02/07 > 30/07/07Brussels - Belgium
Europe in the Headlines?

Europe in the Headlines?

How much attention was given by the Belgian press to the signing of the Treaty of Rome 50 years ago? The Belgian Royal Library is for the first time putting its exceptional collection of Belgian newspapers dating from the end of March 1957 on display. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

Videa a fotografie
VýstavaVýstava 08/03/07 > 10/05/07Brussels - Belgium
Visionary Women

Visionary Women

For three years, artist Bettina Flitner travelled throughout Europe, photographing European women of exceptional merit. To celebrate Europe’s 50th anniversary, the visitors will have the chance to discover the portraits of those European women who have made contributions in the fields of culture, science, economics and politics. The women photographed come from 22 different EU countries and are active in widely diverging fields ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

Videa a fotografie
VýstavaVýstava 09/03/07 > 01/07/07Brussels - Belgium


“Singular visions, sometimes ironical, enigmatic or dark, at other times flirting with fiction”, is how the Royal Museum describes the EURO VISIONS exhibition. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

Videa a fotografie
VýstavaVýstava 16/03/07 > 20/05/07Palais des Beaux-Arts, Bruxelles - Belgium
A Vision for Brussels

A Vision for Brussels

A Vision for Brussels presents a possible future for the capital of Europe and looks at its qualities, obvious, hidden, and forgotten. What image does Brussels wish to project? Can it become... ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

Videa a fotografie
VýstavaVýstava 22/03/07 > 31/05/07Brussels - Belgium
50 Years of European Integration – a History

50 Years of European Integration – a History

The European Council will host an original multimedia exhibition entitled ‘50 Years of European Integration – a History’. European values, common policies, resources and environmental protection, and the role of the EU in the world will be the core issues of the event. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

KonferenceKonference 24/03/07Brussels - Belgium
European Symposium at the Royal Palace

European Symposium at the Royal Palace

Belgium’s King Albert II, Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs Karel De Gucht, President of the European Parliament Hans-Gert Pöttering and many other prominent guests will take part in an important symposium to be held at the Royal Palace in Brussels. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

Videa a fotografie
HudbaHudba 24/03/07Brussels - Belgium
Classical Concert at BOZAR

Classical Concert at BOZAR

The Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Rome Treaty to the notes of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

Videa a fotografie
HudbaHudba 24/03/07Brussels - Belgium
Stars of Europe, live from Brussels

Stars of Europe, live from Brussels

Stars from all over Europe will gather on 24 March to celebrate Europe. Zucchero, Axelle Red, Maurane, Simply Red, Scala, Carla Bruni, The Scorpions, Hooverphonic, Helmut Lotti, Ozark Henry, Kate Ryan, Kim Wilde, Miguel Angel Munoz, Gypsy King, Nadiya, Lou Bega, Nana Mouskouri and many other European artists will take part in this memorable pop music concert. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

Videa a fotografie
VýstavaVýstava 25/03/07 > 20/12/07European Parliament, Brussels - Belgium
50 years of the European Parliament

50 years of the European Parliament

The windows of the European Parliament will provide the backdrop for an exhibition relating the story of its first 50 years. Visitors will be able to admire photos, videos and images recalling the years from the creation of the common Assembly through to today’s latest events. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

HudbaHudba 25/03/07Brussels - Belgium
Jazz in Europe now

Jazz in Europe now

Throughout the day commemorating 50 years of the Treaty of Rome, the best jazzmen from 27 European countries, in small or large line-ups, will take over several locations in the city centre, to enchant you with their blue notes. A festive, musical presentation of the talents of today’s jazz scene. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

VýstavaVýstava 05/05/07 > 30/09/07Brussels - Belgium
“Building(s) for Europe – The changing face of Brussels”

“Building(s) for Europe – The changing face of Brussels”

A display is being organised of scale models of the main European buildings in the Capital of Europe. Visitors will also have a chance to gain evening access to the exhibition. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

VýstavaVýstava 05/05/07 > 24/05/07Brussels / Strasbourg - Belgium / France
Young photographers meet the European Parliament

Young photographers meet the European Parliament

Young photographers’ pictures of the Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg workplaces of the European Parliament will be on display from 5 to 24 May. A total of 60 photos depicting everyday life at the Parliament provide the theme for this travelling exhibition in the Parliament’s two host cities. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

JinéJiné 05/05/07Brussels - Belgium
Official launch of the sailing boat Treaty of Rome

Official launch of the sailing boat Treaty of Rome

To mark the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, the association Sail for Europe has been busy restoring the sailing boat Treaty of Rome, registration number EUR 1, which took part in the around-the-world race 30 years ago. Visitors will be able to view the boat and are also invited to support its forthcoming tour of Europe. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

Videa a fotografie
FilmFilm 09/05/07Brussels - Belgium
One flew over the Cuckoo's nest of talent!

One flew over the Cuckoo's nest of talent!

Europe’s most charismatic and brilliant actors and film-makers who have dominated the cinema scene are taking centre stage on 9 May, a symbolic date for the EU. On Europe Day, Euro Cine 27 will be offering a discovery of some of the best unseen European films.  ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

JinéJiné 09/05/07Brussels - Belgium
Europe Day

Europe Day

Scientists, men of peace, economists, poets, writes and other men and women with Nobel Prizes will be the special guests at the European Parliament plenary session organised to commemorate EU’s 50th birthday on Wednesday 9 May. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

VýstavaVýstava 23/05/07 > 26/08/07Brussels - Belgium
Only a game ?

Only a game ?

An exhibition using cutting-edge design, interactive zones, rare artefacts from Europe's top sports museums, and the personal dramas behind the history (Zidane, Eusebio, Cruyff, Scifo, Schmeichel, Nuri Sahin, Puskas, Seedorf...). A chance for the whole family to experience the emotions of football - even if you're not a fan.   ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

VýstavaVýstava 03/06/07 > 15/06/07Brussels - Belgium
50 years of EU environmental action

50 years of EU environmental action

June 3rd will see the opening of an innovation fair to be held in Parc du Cinquantenaire as part of the "Brussels Fête de l'Environnement" event. The fair is being organised in conjunction with the "Green Week" conference that this year will look at the last 50 years of EU environmental action and use this as a basis for looking forward. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

KonferenceKonference 12/06/07 > 15/06/07Brussels - Belgium
Vision 2050: shaping our environmental legacy

Vision 2050: shaping our environmental legacy

The "Green Week" conference taking place June 12-15 will look at the last 50 years of EU environmental action and use this as a basis for looking forward. The focus will be on green lifestyles, green innovation and the EU as a green pioneer worldwide. "Green Week" will officially begin on June 3 at the event entitled "Brussels Fête de l'Environnement". In the following week, an innovation fair will open to the general public. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

VýstavaVýstava 18/06/07 > 06/07/07Brussels - Belgium
Sail for Europe

Sail for Europe

Brussels will exhibit a series of extraordinary photos of the yacht “Traité de Rome”, taken during the two round-the-world races in which it competed. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

VýstavaVýstava 26/06/07 > 21/10/07Brussels - Belgium
Europeans look at Europeans

Europeans look at Europeans

Drawing on European comic strip creativity since 1957, the exhibition answers a series of funny questions: how do we see each other? How do Czech, Dutch or French cartoonists see the Poles, the Belgians, the Brits and their neighbours? In short, through this mirror to our societies that is comic strip, the exhibition draws an original and humorous portrait of the Europeans… ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

FestivalFestival 21/07/07Brussels - Belgium
Festival in the Park and National Holiday

Festival in the Park and National Holiday

The National Day will be focussed on the 50th Anniversary of the Rome Treaties. The prestigious Parc de Bruxelles will be changed into a European village with lots of animation. Brussels' streets will be decorated with hundreds of European flags. The event will be rounded off with fireworks. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

HudbaHudba 11/08/07 > 20/08/07Brussels - Belgium


In the mild August air, Brussels’ squares will be turned into big stages for music, thus giving free reign to the talents of quality European rock, world or jazz bands. The catchwords of this friendly celebration: friendliness, free admission and variety. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

VýstavaVýstava 18/08/07 > 16/03/08Brussels - Belgium
Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci

It will be the biggest exhibition ever organised on Da Vinci. This event is part of celebrations for the 50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

Videa a fotografie
Kulturní akceKulturní akce 15/09/07 > 17/09/07Brussels - Belgium
EU with YOU: 1957-2007

EU with YOU: 1957-2007

As part of celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of the Rome Treaties, the European Movement-Belgium is organising special events for the general public at the Val Duchesse, where the doors will open to the public on 15, 16 and 17 September 2007. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

FestivalFestival 03/10/07 > 03/02/08Brusel a další belgická města a sousední země - Belgie


Festival Europalia, který potrvá déle než čtyři měsíce, zdůrazní kulturní rozmanitost 27 zemí EU na poli hudby, divadla, tance, filmu a literatury. Špičková umělecká díla budou představována v Bruselu, v celé Belgii i v sousedních zemích. ››  více

Videa a fotografie
JinéJiné 07/10/07Geel - Belgium
Open Day at the European Commission's Research Centre JRC-IRMM

Open Day at the European Commission's Research Centre JRC-IRMM

As part of the Open Bedrijvendag in Flanders, the Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (JRC-IRMM) will be organising an Open Day. In addition to science-oriented site visits, an exhibition on the history of the EU will be organised.  ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

Kulturní akceKulturní akce 07/10/07 > 30/12/07Kruishoutem - Belgium
10 + 2 New Europeans

10 + 2 New Europeans

The exhibition “10 + 2 NEW EUROPEANS” displays the works of over 50 cartoonists from the 12 countries that most recently joined the European Union. Their artwork expresses their fears, prejudices and expectations related to their countries’ accessions to the EU. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

Videa a fotografie
VýstavaVýstava 26/10/07 > 23/03/08Brussels - Belgium
This is our Story

This is our Story

A key exhibition commemorating 50 years of E.U. integration in a proactive fashion. A whole programme in itself and something to refresh our memories a bit. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

KonferenceKonference 20/11/07 > 22/11/07Brussels - Belgium
Scientific Forum – 'From safe food to healthy diets' and the European Food Safety Summit

Scientific Forum – 'From safe food to healthy diets' and the European Food Safety Summit

The two-day scientific forum will give scientists and other interested parties from the EU and beyond the chance to debate issues within EFSA’s remit including nanotechnology, animal cloning, chemical and microbiological risks and nutrition. ››  více Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

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