Between Two Worlds

"Between Two Worlds", Vladimir Šucha, 'International Innovation', issue 187, July 2015


Working at the interface between policy and science, the DG JRC offers an unbiased service, demystifying complex policy issues. Vladimír Šucha discusses the importance of a structured dialogue between scientists and policy makers and how this is facilitated by the Centre.

Can you provide an insight into the Directorate-General-Joint Research Centre (DG JRC) EC and your role as Director-General?

I am honoured to lead DG JRC, which is a vital part of the extensive and diverse scientific advisory system that exists within the EC’s services. It provides in-house scientific support and advice to EU policies, and also plays an important role in transforming scientific knowledge into evidence for policies. In addition, the DG for Research and Innovation coordinates the financing of long-term research projects, while various DGs use the advice of expert groups and scientific commities and advisory committees.

DG JRC has wide-ranging expertise, spanning finance, innovation, energy, transport, environment, climate change, agriculture, fisheries, food security, security and disaster risk reduction, health, consumer protection, and nuclear safety and security and dsaster rsk reducton, health, consumer protecton, and nuclear safety and securty. Its scentsts also produce new scientific knowledge to develop and mplement EU polcy Indeed, we compete wth world leaders in many scientific areas.

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