World Expo 2015 meets the European Parliament

Brussels, European Parliament, Room Menuhin; November 11th to November 14th 2014

On 11- 14 November, at the European Parliament in Brussels, the EU will officially present the activities it has planned for the World Exhibition in Milan 2015. The new European Commission and European Parliament will meet with Member States to coordinate their work at Expo 2015. For the first time, information and mock ups of the EU and national pavilions will be on display during this three-day exhibition. Thematic presentations, interactive displays and a virtual tour of the EU Pavilion will be available to all participants, to get the flavour of the future Expo site.

There will be a welcome ceremony at the exhibition taking place at 19.00 on 12 November 2014 at the Menuhin space. The President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, High Representative of the European Union, Federica Mogherini and Diana Bracco, President of Expo Company and Expo Commissioner General for Italy will give opening remarks. At this event the official website for the EU's participation at Expo will be launched. Expo Milano 2015 is a global event that offers an excellent opportunity to highlight the intense work that the EU and its Member States are doing in the area of food security, development, and sustainable agriculture. This exhibition shows the creative, dynamic and thoughtful ways in which participants have interpreted the theme of expo Milano ‘Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life’.

The EU messages at Expo will be relayed through the fictional characters, Alex and Sylvia, a farmer and a scientist, thrown together in unlikely circumstances. These two characters are easy for visitors to relate to and will guide them through EU history, current food policies and the promising technologies of the future. The theme of Expo is at the crossroads of several EU policies, from development to agriculture, from food safety to environment, from industry to research and innovation. The European Union must take this unique opportunity and make a lasting contribution to the global debate on food security and sustainability.

To read the speech that Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, gave during the event please click here.

If you are interested on downloading the EU Pavilion press kit click here.
