Innovative and Sustainable Food Packaging & Manufacturing Technologies

Mar, 6 Ottobre 2015

Workshop on 06th of  October 2015
EXPO Milan – EU Pavilion – 1st floor
06/10/2015 – 10 – 19:30

Come join us at the workshop on "Innovative and Sustainable Food Packaging & Manufacturing Technologies" in the EU Pavilion at the EXPO Milano 6 October 2015! The workshop will provide successful FP7-funded projects within the field of innovative and sustainable food packaging a unique opportunity to present their results and discuss applications with relevant stakeholders at the heart of the EXPO Milan "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life". Representatives of the food & drink industry including small and medium-sized  enterprises and retail businesses are invited to discuss research gaps and needs with multidisciplinary experts from a wide range of fields to provide further useful insight for the project consortia and help develop a common strategy for the future. Discussions will focus on the following themes:

1.       Food Safety and Quality Monitoring

2.       Novel Manufacturing Techniques

3.       New Packaging Materials

Access to the registration form and the draft agenda of the workshop and can be found HERE

EXPO entrance tickets will be sent via email to all registered and approved participants.

We hope to see you in Milan on 6th of October!

Workshop agenda