Water-Safe and efficient water systems for the citizens of the world

On 17 June, we hosted the event Water-Safe and efficient water systems for the citizens of the world. This Water JPI event focussed on the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the Water JPI and in particular on two of the five core themes identified as water challenges:

Developing safe water systems for the citizens;

Implementing a water bio-based economy.

The first research question is related to drinkable water while the second is linked to the water-food nexus. Selected speakers raised awareness about the importance of this international collaboration in tackling the challenge of ensuring enough and safe drinkable water to all people by a strengthened coordination of efforts, alignment of agendas and joint actions as for instance common projects on relevant water quantity and quality topics.

The goals of the seven projects funded by the Water JPI Pilot Call on the theme ”Emerging water contaminants –anthopogenic pollutants and pathogens” will be presented.

Further details and information
