EU Commissioner Karmenu Vella visits our pavilion

On 22 May, our Commissioner General David Wilkinson, welcomed Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, and renowned Italian chef Gualtiero Marchesi at the EU pavilion.

On that same occasion, we also hosted the event “Fish farming in Europe: a model for the future” Bringing together key actors such as producers, researchers, NGOs and consumers, the event looked at how European aquaculture can help meet the ever growing demand for fish. It showcased good practices from across Europe and then opened up a discussion among the participants broken in small groups (World café), sitting in circle shape on the different challenges: environmental, economic and social as well as future prospects.

The event included also a ceremony to announce the 3 winners among the 20 European schools that have participated in the pilot project of the "FARMED IN THE EU" campaign, in which students (12-18 old) have met local fish farmers and produced material to explain the sector in their regions. The aim of this project was to show the human face of a sector that is still unknown to many citizens.

 “The day at Expo Milano was spectacular! Congratulations to the EU pavilion at Expo.” Said the Commissioner after his visit. 


All speeches are available here.
