The college of Commissioner Generals for Expo 2015 meets in Parma

The college of Commissioner Generals for Expo 2015 meets for the first time in Parma on 2-3 December to nominate their chairperson and a steering committee to coordinate their work throughout Expo 2015. EU Commissioner General for Expo 2015, Mr David Wilkinson, takes this opportunity to present the EU's scientific programme for Expo. He will highlight the significant work already undertaken in order to organise more than 200 public, policy and scientific events during the course of the six months of the Expo. He will also give a brief overview of the discussion document "EU research and global food and nutrition security", which has been drafted by a high level scientific steering Committee, chaired by the former Commissioner for Agriculture, Mr Franz Fischler. This document should serve as the basis for a dialogue with stakeholders and the general public during Expo 2015 through scientific workshops, conferences and an online consultation and ultimately aims to contribute to the legacy of the World Expo. The discussion paper itself will officially be presented in March 2015.

See the event's programme

EU research and global food and nutrition security – a discussion document
