The Netherlands will participate in Expo Milano 2015

We are very pleased to welcome a new EU Member State in the Expo family. The Netherlands will participate to the World Expo in Milan, with its own exhibition. With this addition, 21 EU Member states will be present at the event.

The document was signed by the Dutch Commissioner General Erik van der Schaft and Commissioner of the Government of Italy for Expo Milano 2015 Giuseppe Sala. The ceremony was held as part of the College of Commissioners General, the meeting with the representatives of the States that will take part in the Universal Exposition, and was held today in Parma.
"Share, Grow, Live"
The Pavilion of the Netherlands, located on an area of ​​over 2,300 square meters, will develop the Theme Statement "Share, Grow, Live." The Dutch participation at the Universal Exposition will be guided by three principles, namely "Share", because the issues related to food are local as well as global; "Grow", because the food is a topic to be addressed also from a social and economic point of view; "Live", because such awareness must inspire action and allow wellbeing for all. The Pavilion of the Netherlands will communicate these issues in a mix of interactivity, entertainment and education. The area will include tents, a Ferris wheel and open modular structures that will help to create a pleasant atmosphere of  an amusement park. In addition, thanks to permanent and temporary exhibitions, where children, teens and adults will be immersed in a festive atmosphere, discovering the history and developments of Dutch technological research into nutrition. The signing of the participation of the Netherlands, a few months before the opening of the Universal Exposition of 2015, is further confirmation of the strategic role that the nations of the world recognize in the event and the importance of the challenges raised by the theme "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life."

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