AGRI WEEK_The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): ensuring food security and energy for life

mar, 8 septembre 2015

The objective of this workshop is to promote the role of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in supporting growth, investment and innovation in the agriculture sector. 

Feeding a growing world population with safe and nutritious food is a priority for the EU which involves several policy areas. This workshop will look in particular at the CAP and how it drives EU agriculture, investment, and innovation to address the challenge of food security in the context of climate change, sustainable management of natural resources and balanced territorial development.

It will represent an opportunity to gather views and experiences from policy makers, stakeholders and academics to underline the importance of having a strong Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the EU and will link to the international dimension of the agriculture sector, thanks to the presence of members of the World Farmers Organisation (WFO).

Further details and information