Janez Potočnik, former EU Commissioner for Environment, visits the European Union pavilion at Expo Milano 2015

On 22 June, our Commissioner General David Wilkinson welcomed Janez Potočnik, Co-Chair of United Nations International Resource Panel and Former EU Commissioner for Environment, and his delegation at the EU pavilion.

On that same occasion, we had the pleasure to listen to Mr. Potočnik opening speech to the event “Europe's Multi-Purpose Countryside”, hosted at our pavilion. During the workshop our guests and experts had the chance to debate about how to incentivise a more careful management of our biodiversity and the ecosystems it provides, especially in areas where there is limited capacity for profitable farming.

The conference also aimed at exemplifying the environmental care role of rural land managers in both the intensive food producing areas as well as in the more marginal and remote areas. Examples at this regard demonstrated how jobs and incomes can be generated through rural tourism and developing heritage and cultural foods, providing support for rural communities and illustrating the multi-purpose countryside.

For further information about the event
